- Heterogeneous databases interoperation echnique is a new research field. 异构数据库互操作技术是一个新兴的研究课题。
- Core idea of heterogeneous databases interoperation is data sharing and transparent accessing. 异构数据库互操作的核心思想是数据共享和透明访问。
- Heterogeneous databases interoperation is related to distributed computing, so the paper studied CORBA technique. 异构数据库互操作研究涉及到分布式计算,为此,本文研究了CORBA技术。
- In this paper, an integrated system of heterogeneous databases is analyzed, designed, and realized using OOD method. 本文采用面向对象的方法对这一系统进行了分析和设计,实现了一个异构数据库集成的原型系统。
- The paper discussed heterogeneous databases interoperation concept and target and analyzed its strategy. 本文论述了异构数据库互操作的概念和目标,分析了异构数据库互操作策略。
- One is to use a data warehouse for integrating heterogeneous databases in fisheries. 其一是使用资料仓储来整合渔业里的异质性资料库。
- Exploring Attribute Correspondences Across Heterogeneous Databases by Mutual Information By: Huimin Zhao; Soofi, Ehsan S. 通过互信息探索异构数据库的属性对应。
- This example demonstrates two-way replication of customer data records between two heterogeneous databases, each containing a customer table of similar structure. 这个示例将演示两个异构数据库之间的双向客户数据记录复制,每个数据库都包含一个结构类似的客户表。
- A multidatabase system is one of the most successful and extensive methods of resolving the interoperability among autonomous and heterogeneous databases. 当前,多数据库系统是解决自治异构数据库互操作最成功也是应用最广泛的方法之一。
- It studied databases interoperation method based on CORBA, and, at the angle of theory and application, discussed the design of heterogeneous databases interoperation. 研究了基于CORBA的数据库互操作方法,并从理论和应用上探讨了异构数据库互操作中间件的设计。
- The availability of small footprint embedded Java databases offers a great choice when you re designing sophisticated distributed applications, while allowing for the use of heterogeneous databases. 在设计复杂的分布式应用程序时,资源占用少的嵌入式Java数据库的可用为您提供了一个很好的选择,同时它还允许使用异构数据库。
- We can commit transparent access of heterogeneous databases with federal database technology on DB2 II. 在子数据源和综合数据库之间利用联邦数据库技术实现DB2到异构数据源的透明访问,支持从db2到异构数据源的读,写操作。
- Since distributed spatial database will be the main data source of Internet GIS, we have to cope with the intercommunication between heterogeneous databases and systems. 摘要随着空间数据获取能力的飞速发展,分布式存储管理的空间数据库将成为网络GIS的主要数据源。
- Based on the services,this paper provides an introduction of how to operate the heterogeneous database using OGSA-DAI on MySQL. 基于这些服务;结合MySQL数据库讨论了利用OGSA-DAI实现对异构数据库的操作.
- Secondly,data monitoring on data from multiple heterogenic databases can be implemented in rule interpreter. 其次,可在规则解释器中实现异构数据库系统之间的关联通知服务;
- With the help of ODBC of VC + + , DBMS in the heterogeneous database may be solved and the information sharing of digital libraries will be realized. 目前,利用VC++的ODBC技术,已经能够很好地解决数据库管理系统本身异构的多源异构数据库的共享问题。
- Encapsulated with ODBC and OCI,the UDB CLI can not only interconnect the heterogeneous database but also improve the performance of the system. 封装了ODBC和OCI的通用数据库接口,可以实现异构数据库的互连,同时可以提高系统的性能。
- Based on these,a model of integration of heterogeneous database based on JMS and XML is developed,and the realization of its key problems is given. 本文基于这两个关键问题,提出了一种基于JMS和XML的异构数据库集成模型,并给出了关键问题的实现。
- ODBC independence, the ability to connect to multiple database management system to solve the interoperability between heterogeneous database problems. ODBC具有独立性,可连接到多个数据库管理系统,解决了异构数据库之间互操作的问题。
- The principle and technology of the heterogeneous database integration is researched for share and integration of the information. 为实现异构数据库间信息的共享和集成,对数据集成的原理以及主要技术进行了研究。