- Her heroic conduct of fighting against the bad man has been counted to her credit. 她同坏人作斗争的英雄行为一直受到赞扬。
- Although Jack lost his young life to rescue the child who had fallen into water,his heroic conduct is a credit to his parents. 虽然杰克为营救落水儿童而献出了年轻的生命,但他的英勇行为是他父母的光荣。
- His heroic conduct during the retrieval innumerable lives, afterward is as if always creating the serious destructiveness. 他的英勇行为在挽救无数的生命同时,似乎总在事后造成严重的破坏性。
- When Richard Pearson, Serapis's commander, returned to England, criticism for his defeat was drowned by the enormous praise for his generally heroic conduct. 塞拉皮斯号指挥官理查.皮尔逊回到英格兰,虽然因败北受到一些批评,但他临阵英勇,赢得热烈推许,把批评的声音都淹没了。
- Heroic conduct or behavior. 英雄行为,大无畏精神英雄式的举止或行为
- His heroic conduct came home to the students 他的英勇行为使学生们深受感动。
- Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty. 许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲。
- The newspapers glorified their heroic deeds. 报纸称颂了他们的英雄事迹。
- His conduct is a mere cover-up for his nervousness. 他的行为只是为了掩护他的紧张。
- Her conduct lies beyond all question and reproach. 她的行为不容怀疑,无可指责。
- Such conduct is displeasing to your parents. 这种行为会使你的父母生气的。
- His heroic feats made him a legend in his own time. 他的英雄业绩使他成了他那个时代的传奇人物。
- Saving the child's life was a heroic act. 抢救那孩子的生命是英勇的行为。
- Her heroic deeds sorted well with her advanced thinking. 她的英雄事迹和她的先进思想是一致的。
- His conduct has always been above suspicion. 他的行为一直无可质疑。
- She explained her conduct to her boss. 她向老板说明了自己那种表现的原因。
- His heroic action stemmed from a strong sense of duty. 他的英勇行为来源于强烈的责任感。
- She's pained by her son's conduct. 她对儿子的行为感到痛心。
- Such conduct is beneath contempt. 这种举动为人所不齿。
- Heroic characteristics or qualities; courage. 英雄品质,英勇英雄的特征或品质; 英勇