- heat setting mortar 热凝结灰浆
- The heat set off some explosive. 高温引起一些炸药爆炸。
- The crystallinity of FTT fiber was found being changed by the heat setting. 不同的热定型工艺对纤维的结晶形态有影响;
- Suitable for Monforts Heat Setting Stenter (Germany),Monforts Fong's Stenter. 德国门富士热定型机、立信门富士定型机。
- Heat sets eggs and cold sets jullies. 加热能使蛋凝结, 寒冷能使冻胶凝固。
- Heat sets these particles in random motion. 热量使这些粒子作随机运动。
- Heat sets eggs and cold sets jellies. 加热能使蛋凝结,寒冷能使冻胶凝固。
- This kind of fabric is novelistically styled, with natural and durable pleats superior to those formed by heat setting. 该产品风格新颖,褶裥成形自然,保形耐久,优于一般热定型打褶织物,为理想的服装面料。
- The results showed that the wool/ES fiber blend fabrics by heat setting had better anti-felting properties. 结果表明,混有ES纤维的羊毛织物经过热处理之后,尺寸稳定性和防毡缩性能均得到了明显提高。
- When maximum stability is required, heat setting should be carried out at as high a temperature as possible using a minimum amount of tension. 如果要求定形后的织物具有最大的尺寸稳定性,应尽量采用高的定形温度和低的织物张力。
- This article analyses influence of heat setting process on abradability and air permeability of batt-on-mesh needled felt. 分析热定型工艺对底网针刺植绒毛毯耐磨性和透气性等的影响.
- All the settingprocesses covering heat setting, VRH process,ester selfsetting and CO2 process have identical hardening mechanism. 烘硬法、VRH法、有机酯自硬法和CO2硬化法,都有相同的硬化机理,硬化的直接原因都是脱水,而不是化学反应;
- By comparison of APTT and PT, can see that the heat setting of the fabric greatly inhibits its activation of exogenous coagulation factor PT. 通过对APTT、PT的变化比较可以看出,对织物进行热处理大大抑制了织物的外源性凝血因子PT的激活。
- Heat setting gives cloth resistance to wrinkling during wear and the ease- of- care properties that may be attributed to improvements in resiliency and elasticity. 经过热定形的织物在使用时能够抗折皱,可以免烫,其原因是纤维的回弹性和弹性的改变。
- Heat set ink Letterpress and offset inks which dry under the action of heat by evaporation of their high boiling solvent. 热固油墨活版及柯式用油墨。热力使它的高温沸腾溶剂蒸发而干燥。
- Heat set ink: Letterpress and offset inks which dry under the action of heat by evaporation of their high boiling solvent. 热固油墨:活版及柯式用油墨。热力使它的高温沸腾溶剂蒸发而干燥。
- The key technique of PLA fibre, bamboo fibre, soybean fibre, PTT fibre in terms of the pretreatment, dyeing, heat setting and aftertreatment were analyzed. 并对部分纺织新材料,如聚乳酸纤维(PLA)、竹纤维、大豆蛋白纤维和聚对苯二甲酸丙二醇酯(PTT)纤维的前处理、染色、热定形、后整理等关键技术作了综述分析。
- A new pattern plastic galvanothermy board can be made by solidifying heat set unsaturated polyester resin at normal temperature. 研究了热固性不饱和聚酯常温固化制造新型塑料电热板的配方、成型工艺路线与成型条件。
- Effects of two components' melt index, spinning temperature, lateral blowing, drawing ratio, crimping and heat setting on fiber quality and properties are discussed. 讨论了两种切片的熔融指数、纺丝温度、侧吹风、后拉伸倍数、卷曲、松弛定型工艺对产品质量及性能的影响。
- Heat sometimes causes a prickly rash on the skin. 热有时使皮肤上生剌痛的疹子。