- But the US may have much top lose by precipitate action and much to gain form patience. 但是,要是采取鲁莽行动,美国就可能大大失利; 要采取容忍态度,美国就可能大大获益。
- He received his colleagues with the genial air of one who has much to gain and little to lose. 他以一个只会有所得,不会有所失的人的诚恳的态度接待他的同僚。
- His wife had much to do with his bankruptcy. 他的破产和他的妻子很有关系。
- I have much to say about the harm of smoking. 有关吸烟的害处我有很多话可说。
- We have much to be thankful for. 有很多事情值得我们庆幸。
- I have much to do to pay my monthly bills. 我应付每月的开支不是容易的。
- His proposal has much to recommend it. 他的建议有不少可取之处。
- You'll find you have much to learn in your new job. 你会发现在新的工作中有很多可学的。
- But, paradoxically, as democracy gets stronger and the middle class grows richer, it can realize it has more to lose than gain from a real enfranchisement of society. 但矛盾的是,民主发展了,资产阶级也富裕了,他们却意识到从一个真正解放的社会里能失去的越来越多,能获取的越来越少。
- The police don't have much to go on. 警方没多少依据。
- We don't have much to do with our relatives. 我们和亲戚之间不大走动。
- We have much to do.I don't suggest going away. 我们有这么多的事情要做,我建议别走了。
- Carmine Falcone: People from your world... have so much to lose. 卡迈·福肯:从你那个世界来的人...要损失太多的东西。
- It has much to do with the attitude of mind we preserve. 这与我们所采取的思想方法有很大关系。
- The person with the most to lose is the director . 损失最大的是主任。
- But we still have much to be done. 但是我们仍有很多事情要做。
- The director has the most to lose. 主任的损失最大。
- I wouldn't know though, I swill have much to learn. 我虽然知道的不是很多,但我有很多的要学。
- I have much to learn being a Guo Tou. 我这个当锅头的也得有一点儿学问哪。