- When someone have drive you home in his car. 当某人用他的小汽车送你回到家里时。
- The interviewer had driven her into a corner. 面试主持人把她追问得很窘。
- Eg: I happen to have driven that kind of car. 我恰巧开过那种汽车。
- Repeated failures have driven him out of his mind. 一再的失败使他几乎丧失了理智。
- I happen to have driven that kind of car. 我恰好开过这种车。
- They have drove the escaped convict to bay. 他们已经使那逃亡的囚犯无处可逃。
- High oil prices have driven up fuel costs. 高油价抬高了燃料费用。
- Dicks have drive and clarity of vision, but they are not clever.they smell pussy and they want a piece of the action. 鸡巴们总是负责发号施令,但它们不是太机灵,它们闻到逼的气味就想行动。
- You should not have driven for3 consecutive hours without break. 四:你不应该一点儿不休息地连续开车3个多小时.
- Supply shortages have driven up pork prices this year in China . 供应短缺使得今年中国的猪肉价格上涨。
- Mr Henderson has driven his critics and opponents into a position where they have no remedy but to break the law. 亨德森先生把他的批评者和对手们逼到如此地步,他们除了违法乱纪之外,另无良策。
- His enemies had driven him into a corner. 他的敌人把他逼得走投无路。
- Reading between the lines of her letter, I learned she had driven him out. 从她那封信的字里行间我得知,她把他赶了出去。
- A singular restlessness had driven him to her door. 纯粹是由于一种坐立不安的焦躁情绪驱使他来到她门前。
- When I got to my house,my father had driven away. 我到家时,我父亲已开车走了。
- The death of all her children has driven her mad. 她所有的孩子的去世把她逼疯了。
- Tourism has driven up the prices around here. 旅游业使得本地的物价上涨了。
- The shepherds had driven all their flocks to hills. 牧羊人把他们的所有羊群都赶上山去。
- Balloons have no engine to drive them against the wind. 气球是没有发动机来驱使它们逆风前进。
- He has driven me to and from work for many years. 多年来他开车送我上下班。