- Indignation bereft him of speech. 他气愤得说不出话来。
- His illness left him without the power of speech. 他病後丧失了说话能力。
- Do you know the part of speech of this word? 你知道这个单词的词性吗?
- Only human beings are capable of speech. 只有人类才具有说话的能力。
- The core of our appeal is freedom of speech. 我们的要求的核心是言论自由。
- He has lost the power of speech. 他丧失了言语能力。
- She laboured under the handicap of arthritis. 她受关节炎的折磨。
- The freedom of speech should not be abridged. 言论自由不应受限制。
- He has a handicap of four at golf. 他的高尔夫差点是四。
- He has a handicap of 100 meters. 他有一百公尺的让步条件。
- Lacking the faculty of speech; mute. 丧失了说话能力的; 哑的
- He has a handicap of 200 metres. 他在赛跑中让了二百米。
- Man is the only animal that has the faculty of speech. 人类是唯一有说话能力的动物。
- Pretentious; boastful. Used of speech or manners. 夸大的自负的; 好夸口的。用于谈话或态度
- Gross; coarse. Used of speech or language. 言谈粗俗的粗野的; 粗俗的。用语谈话或语言
- After all the bitterness of the divorce, Mary had to pull herself together and ensure that her children survived the handicap of a broken home. 经历了离婚后的一切苦难,玛丽不得不振作起来,并确保其子女在分裂的家庭中继续在不利的条件下生存。
- Because of his plainness of speech, he succeed in make his point. 由於他措词清楚,他成功地表明了自己的观点。
- The article is a part of speech in the English language. 冠词是英语的一种词类。
- He used to use a lot of flowers of speech in his writing. 过去他在写作中爱用华丽的词藻。
- The handicap of age she did not, in her enthusiasm, perceive. 她在得意忘形的时候,就没有觉察到年龄给人的障碍。