- The chinese greenstone belt gold deposits can be divided into two types. 绿岩带型金矿床是世界和我国重要的金矿床类型。
- Greenstone belt gold deposits are most important type of gold deposits in worldand China. 绿岩带型金矿床是世界和我国重要的金矿床类型。
- The best metallogenic setting of the greenstone belts gold at tectoni cally remobilized belts of the paleocontinental margins. 古陆边缘构造活动带是绿岩带金矿最佳的成矿构造环境。
- Mineralized charactors of greenstone belts gold deposits divicled threetypes and seven sub-sypes, base on the auriferous rock formation of gr... 以绿岩带含金岩系为基础,以成矿构造为主导,结合控矿构造样式与矿化特点将绿岩带金矿划分成三类七个亚类。
- Keywords greenstone belt gold deposits;primary gold deposits;regenerated gold deposits;China; 绿岩带型金矿床;初生型;再生型;中国;
- Keywords greenstone belt gold;Crustal Wavy Mosaic Structure;structural ore-controlling rules;Mouru gold mine belt; 绿岩带型金矿;波浪状镶嵌构造;构造控矿规律;牟乳金矿带;
- greenstone belt gold 绿岩带型金矿
- It belongs to the ductile shear zone type of a gold deposit in the greenstone belt. 矿床受元古界基性、酸性双峰式火山岩层位及韧性剪切带双重控制,属绿岩带中的韧性剪切带型金矿床。
- The reduction of magnetic minerals is an eminent geophysical property of Xiaoqinlingquartz-type gold field in greenstone belt. 磁性矿物的减少是小秦岭绿岩带石英脉型金矿田显著的地球物理特征。
- Abstract: With relatively high total gold background values,the strata of the greenstone belt in western Shandong are source beds of gold deposit. 摘 要: 山东鲁西地区绿岩带地层总体金背景值较高,是金矿形成的矿源层。
- Jiapigou gold deposit concentration area involves 3 geological units of gold occurrence,the high metamorphic district,granite greenstone belt and Seluohe Group. 夹皮沟金矿集中区涉及高级变质区、花岗岩-绿岩带、色洛河群三个赋金矿地质单元。
- The greenstone belt type gold deposit in the North China craton (NCC), one of the most important deposit types in China, is the major source of gold productions and reserves. 华北克拉通中绿岩带型金矿床是我国最重要的矿床类型之一,也是我国黄金产量和储量的主要来源。
- Metallogenic and ore prospecting models of greenstone belts gold deposits in Southern Jilin province and Northern Liaoning Province of China 吉辽地区绿岩带金矿成矿找矿模式
- The TTG series,which have experienced strong ductile deformation and fragmentation and contain rich greenstone belt remnants,have close relation with gold deposit formation. 强烈韧性变形和破碎并富含绿岩带残留体的TTG岩系与金成矿关系密切。
- Pouch hung from belt gold Spiced beef meat stays fresh, pure flavor. 金褡裢五香牛肉肉质鲜嫩,香味纯正。
- They have the typical geologic features of the golddeposits of Archean greenstone belt. 山西五台山太古宙绿岩带同构选初生型金矿床发现三种类型:条带状铁建造型。
- THe late Archaean greenstone belt in the Zhifang area has the characteristic ductile shear zone with a mylonite zone in its centre where occurs a gold mineralization zone(containing low grade gold ore bodies)of metamorphic hydrothermal type. 泰安纸房地区太古代晚期绿岩带具有韧性剪切带的特征,在其中心部位为糜棱岩带,产有几公里长的太古代绿岩带变质热液型金矿化带(含低品位金矿体)。
- The Archaean meta-basalts are distinguished into two meta-basalts formed in the greenstone belt and in the high-grade metamorphic region. 本文把太古代变质玄武岩分成绿岩带变质玄武岩和高级区变质玄武岩。
- The Mesozoic subvocanic type ore deposits and the Archean greenstone belt type of metamorphic hydrothermal Au deposits are varied in geochemistry and geological backgroun... 该区中生代次火山岩型矿床与本区太古宙变质热液金矿在成矿地质背景、地球化学特征上具有明显的差异,说明了它们成矿物质来源的不同。
- Wutaishan-Hengshan greentone belt gold deposits can be grouped into two types:late-syntectonic pritnary deposits and Post-tectonic regenerated deposits. 五台山-恒山绿岩带型金矿床可分为同构造晚期初生型和构造期后再生型金矿床二类。