- grain boundary area 晶界区
- Two area defects are twins and grain boundaries. 有两种面积缺陷,即孪生和晶粒间界。
- The deformation mechanism of AZ91D superplasticity is grain boundary sliding. 挤压态AZ91D镁合金超塑性变形的主要机制为晶界滑移机制。
- The result indicated that the main courses of fatigue fracture were the third tenon which endures the biggest stress makes smaller and nonuniformity contacting area and the damage of grain boundary. 结果表明,叶片榫头第三齿和榫槽的接触面积过小、分布不均匀和材料晶界损伤加速裂纹的萌生与扩展,导致叶片的疲劳断裂。
- The grain boundary secondary phase is an imporrant microstructure component in AIN ceram-ics,having significant effect on thermal conductivity. 晶界第二相是AIN陶瓷显微结构的重要组成部分,对AIN陶瓷的热导率有重大的影响。
- Impurities tend to segregate at grain boundaries. 杂质常常在晶粒间界偏析。
- And the energies of interdiffusion and grain boundary diffusion have been figured out by the Arrhenius equation. 从Arrhenius方程得出互扩散及晶界扩散激活能。
- The high life LCF cracks of DZ4 superalloy favorably initiate at the transverse segment of longitudinal grain boundary. 定向凝固DZ4合金高寿命低周疲劳裂纹易于萌生于试样内部或亚表面的柱状晶界.
- In the late stage of the deformation, with the grain size growing up, the grain boundary can emit partial dislocations. 在晶界处及附近有台阶界面结构, 以及与台阶形状相对应的应力场衬度。
- In addition, a grain boundary is formed at the coalescence boundary of neighboring growth fronts. 在相邻生长前沿所形成的合并界面处形成晶界;
- Photomicrograph of alloy overheating showes fraction grain boundary coarsening and melt-back delta at first. 其过烧特征最初表现为晶界局部加宽和复熔三角形的出现。
- Scientists have called the boundary area around the hole the "event horizon" We know nothing about events which happen once objects pass this boundary. 科学家们称洞周围的边界地区为“视界”我们不知道一种物体通过这个边界发生的事。
- The results indicate that the definition of geopolitical boundary area is too broad and overestimates market competitiveness. 研究发现:行政地理疆界法所定义出的服务区域范围过大;
- As the continuous chain distribution in grain boundary of T6 state,fracture toughness and stress crossion resistance are low. T6工艺晶界为链状连续分布,断裂韧性和抗应力腐蚀性能较差;
- The element content at grain boundary of advanced Fe-based superalloy GH871 containing Nb has been studied by Perkin-Elmer PHI 595 Auger spectrometer. 利用PERKIN ELMERPHI 5 95型俄歇谱仪研究了新型含铌铁基高温合金GH871的晶界上各元素的含量。
- BN interwoven microstructure will prevent grain boundary slip and reduce the attenuation rate of high temperature strength. 氮化硼的编织状结构可阻碍晶界的滑移,降低材料高温强度的衰减率。
- Austenite grain size of plain carbon steel and alloy steel were examined by oxidization and grain boundary etching method. 采用氧化法和晶粒边界腐蚀法对几种不同的碳钢和合金钢的奥氏体晶粒的显示进行了对比试验。
- The carbide film which is massive and consecutive on the grain boundary and the mischcrystal accelerate the initiation and propagation of the crack. 榫齿各部位的混晶以及晶界连续粗大碳化物膜加速了裂纹的萌生与扩展。
- Chain shape ferrites were observed on austenite grain boundary in coarse grain zones and the distribution of ferrites was discontinuous. 细小裂纹是由钢板表面残留氧化铁皮引起的。
- During the landslipping of grain boundary,the experiments show,there is a very high sheering strain of the grain boundary. 实验发现:由于晶界滑错在晶界附近存在的高剪应变导致晶粒内部细观变形场不均匀。