- The governmental culture and the corporate culture both have generality, and have individuality. 摘要政府文化与企业文化既有共性,又有个性。
- Corporate governance culture is part of the corporate culture and different cgc will have different impact on corporate governance. 摘要企业治理文化是企业文化的有机组成部分,不同的治理文化会对企业治理结构产生不同的影响。
- This study not only shows the direction of corporate governance culture,but also has a significance to the management of the corporate governance culture and has mu... 本文研究不但为创新型企业的公司治理文化指明了方向,而且对公司治理文化的管理具有指导意义,同时对公司治理制度与公司治理文化的配合具有参考意义。
- Abstract: The honest government culture enters the campus, lets the student before entering the society to have the certain resistance corrupt immunity. 摘要:廉政文化走进校园,让学生在进入社会前就具备一定抵抗腐败的免疫力。
- Then the author particularizes the content of local governments' culture resources in six aspects, from three lays such as ideas, establishment and products. 然后从六个方面,结合具体的情况,从观念、设施和产品三个层面大致列举了地方政府文化资源的范围。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- This study not only shows the direction of corporate governance culture, but also has a significance to the management of the corporate governance culture and has much reference to the conjugation of culture and institution. 本文研究不但为创新型企业的公司治理文化指明了方向,而且对公司治理文化的管理具有指导意义,同时对公司治理制度与公司治理文化的配合具有参考意义。
- How the enterprise can better survive and develop is the focus of the researches on corporate governance culture (CGC) and competitiveness, which are independent from each other till recently. 摘要对公司治理文化和企业竞争力的研究都是关注企业如何才能更好地持续生存和发展的问题,但迄今为止,两者之间的研究是相对独立的。
- The cause of this problem is attributed to a lack of "human capital" concept, an outdated government culture,an outmoded promotion and accessment system,and a blocked communication channel. 产生这些问题的主要原因在于缺乏“以人为本”的管理思想、行政文化陈旧、晋升和考核等配套制度建设滞后、沟通反馈渠道不畅通。
- They demand the right to govern themselves. 他们要求自治权。
- Abstract: Corporate governance culture participates the enterprise development in the aspect of source but not tactor, it has cost performance and it is feasible to analyzes its cost with accounting. 文章摘要: 公司治理文化作为资源而非要素参与公司发展,因而公司治理文化具有成本特性,所以运用会计学对其成本进行分析具有可行性。
- Her husband is a governmental secretary in Florida. 她丈夫是佛罗里达州政府的一个秘书。
- He was one of the apostles of the new culture. 他曾是新文化的倡导者之一。
- In Latin, several verbs govern the dative. 在拉丁语中,有些动词要求与格的宾语。
- If coming toinspect face to face from the cultural layer, an important cause among them, isrotten culture being in vogue and incorrupt government culture hiatus. 若从文化层面来考察,其中一个重要的原因,就是腐败文化的盛行和廉政文化的缺失。
- Greece, the cradle of Western culture. 希腊,西方文化的发源地。
- The Maldives Government Cultural Delegation led by Mr.Hussain Shihab, the Minister of State for the Arts in the Maldives arrived in Zhuhai for a good-will visit. 以马尔代夫国家艺术部部长侯赛因.;西哈伯为团长的马尔代夫政府文化代表团;到我市进行友好访问。
- Greek culture penetrated Persia through the medium of the Syrians. 通过叙利亚人作媒介,希腊文化渗透到波斯。
- Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa. 英国授权代管德国在东非的前殖民地。
- Primitive in culture and customs; uncivilized. 野蛮的,未开化的文化和习惯原始的; 不文明的