- The supreme governmental power is to be thought. 最高的统治力量注定会是思想。
- The new law constitutes a safeguard against the abuse of government power. 新法律可以防止滥用政府权力。
- Of humanity against government power. 对抗政府权势。
- The introduction lays out the principles of Friedman's archetypal liberal, a man who supports limited and dispersed governmental power. 绪论介绍了弗莱德曼原型自由主义的基本原理,而弗莱德曼本人支持限制和分散政府权利。
- Paris had risen in arms against the attempt of Thiers and the Rurals to restore and perpetuate that old governmental power bequeathed to them by the empire. 巴黎人民手拿武器奋起反抗梯也尔及其地主议院恢复和巩固帝国留给他们的腐朽政权的企图。
- Where governmental power has been delegated to a private group, some members of the industry may attempt to use this grant of authority to harm or exclude their competitors. 当政府的权力被授予私人集团时,特定工业的某些成员就会试图利用授权损害或排斥他们的竞争者。
- The new law contains safeguards against the misuse of government power. 新的法律内有防止政府滥用权力的措施。
- From the historical perspective, the eminent domain was established aimed to control governmental power whereby preventing private-owned property from undue intervention. 如何改进当下的征收补偿制度,这已经成为理论界和实务界共同关注的一个重大战略问题。
- The new laws constitute a safeguard against the abuse of government power. 新法律可以防止滥用政府权力。
- The sovereign and his advisers who are the governing power of a state. 控制一个国家的权力的君王和他的顾问。
- The social policy trend is linked to a revival of central government power. 社会政策的趋向同中央政府权力的复兴也是联系在一起的。
- One way to interpret these results is that, in the worst dictatorships, an increase in democracy tends to stimulate growth because the benefit from limitations on governmental power is the key matter. 有一种办法,可以解释这些结果:在最差的独裁状态下,民主的增加,会刺激增长,因为限制政府权力所带来的收益是关键问题。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- Imbalance between the government power and the citizen right is the main reason for the society maladjustment. 政府权力与公民权利失衡是社会失调的主要原因。
- The author holds that globalization has transformed governmental power and the relationship between government and enterprises in the cross-strait economic exchanges. 作者认为,全球化力量业已改变了政府的权力和海峡两岸经济交往中的政企关系。
- The relationship between civil right and government power is a key issue of constitutional democracy. 摘要公民权利与政府权力的关系问题是宪政民主的核心问题。
- Go into any courtroom and there will preside an independent judge, beholden to no government power. 走进任何一所法庭,你都能看到主持人是一位不依附政府权力的独立的法官。
- Act of the British Parliament which gives the government power to raise taxes as proposed in the budget. 金融法,财政法(英国议会法案,该法案授予英国政府按预算中的建议征税的权力)
- If we believe power can only be controlled by power, then government power must be controlled by government power. 如果我们相信“权力只能被权力来制约”,那么,只有政府的权力才能制约政府的权力。
- They demand the right to govern themselves. 他们要求自治权。