- He says the government bailout plan needs time to take hold. 他说,政府的经济援助计划的生效需要时间。
- Despite the government bailout for AIG, it looks like the fear and anxiety is not abating on Wall Street today. 尽管美国政府紧急援助美国国际集团,看来今天华尔街的恐惧和不安并未减轻。
- Therefore, this may result in the biggest and costliest government bailout ever of private companies. 所以,这也许导致这次最大和最昂贵的政府财政援救私人公司。
- That said, he most evinces today regret that Goldman couldn't have kept a greater distance from government bailout efforts. 布兰克费恩如今最为遗憾的是,高盛没能和政府救助措施保持更远的距离。
- That just goes to show you, you give a **pany $45 billion in government bailout money, and they'll show you how to turn it into $8 billion. 这正是说明,给一家公司450亿美元的财政援助,他们就能把它变成80亿美元。
- Obama lashes out at the leaders of troubled investment firms who took government bailout money and paid bonuses to themselves and other executives. 这些人从政府那里领取援助款,却给自己和其他治理人员发放奖金。
- Whatever your viewpoint, here's how $700 billion - the figure inked in the initial dead-in-the-water government bailout bill for Wall Street - compares to other vast sums. 不管你是怎么认为的,以下是7000亿--这个政府为了拯救华尔街所提出的法案中的数字,该法案现在不知将何去何从--与其他“大笔钱”的比较。
- The Swedish crisis had strikingly similar origins to the American one, and its neighbors, Norway and Finland, were hobbled to the point of needing a government bailout to escape the morass as well. 瑞典危机的起源,同美国、及其邻国挪威和芬兰的情况惊人地相似,且都是一直蹒跚地走到需要政府救援才能摆脱困境的地步。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- Shrinking the government's ownership could be politically unpalatable, given public frustration with government bailouts of financial firms. 鉴于公众对政府救助金融的不满,降低政府持股在政治上可能是不受欢迎的做法。
- The collective net wealth of these super-rich slumped by 24 per cent after a year of bank crises, government bailouts and stock market routs. 经历了一年的银行危机、政府纾困和股市暴跌之后,这些超级富豪的净财富总额缩水了24%25。
- The new law will require companies to fully fund their pension plans in 7 years in an effort to prevent multi-billion dollar of government bailouts. 该新法案将要求各公司在7年内为其养老金计划提供全部资金,试图避免政府要为此提供数十亿美元的资助。
- His empire has been debunked in the last year by government bailouts and extraordinary terms he's received on investments. 过去一年中,他帝国的真相因政府救助和他获得的非同寻常的投资条款而暴露无遗。
- However, the size of government bailouts required will mean significant deterioration of fiscal positions for most major economies and a dramatic rise in outstanding debt issues. 然而,政府的救助规模意味着大多数主要经济体财政状况将显著恶化,而且流通债券规模会大幅上升。
- The bonuses have crystallized public anxiety over the economic downturn and frustration at the government bailouts, creating a firestorm for the White House. 奖金问题坐实了公众对经济低迷的不安和对政府救助的失望,让白宫的处境雪上加霜。
- To listen to the Glenn Becks of the world, we've gone straight to hell in a handbasket, thanks to the triple threat of central banking, government bailouts and stimulus spending. 如果听听那些危言耸听的论调,我们会觉得,由于央行货币政策、政府救助措施和刺激性支出的三重威胁,我们的境况已经迅速恶化。
- Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。
- The government answerable to the people. 政府应为他的人民负责。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- The government's intervention in this dispute will not help. 政府对这场争论的干预不会起作用。