- The ladies their hair have elaborately dress to imitate wigs , wear brocade silk gowns trimmed with gold and silver lace. 他们的头发有的那些女士精心制作穿模仿假发,戴用金和银花边装饰的锦锻丝绸长袍。
- The fluctuating value of gold and silver. 黄金和白银的起伏不定的价格
- Gold and silver are tractable metals. 金和银是容易加工的金属。
- The crown was enchased with gold and silver. 这顶王冠上镶嵌着金和银。
- Gold and silver are of a more durable nature. 金银具有较大的耐久性。
- He admired the splendid tree of gold and silver. 他称赞这颗光彩夺目的金银树。
- The fluctuating monetary value of gold and silver. 黄金与白银的货币价值上下波动。
- What's gold and silver? Mere dross. 金银财宝,身外之物。
- This is an alloy of gold and silver. 这是金和银的合金。
- All the gold and silver will melt away? 所有金银将化为乌有?
- gold and silver lace 金银线花边
- Jimmy was a subtle worker in gold and silver. 吉米是一个技艺精湛的金银匠。
- We can distinguish between gold and silver. 我们能区分金和银。
- Kappler, 41, received gold and silver medals. 在比赛结束一年半之后,41岁的卡普勒收获了迟到的金牌和银牌。
- On his fingers were rings, gold and silver. 手指上戴着好些指环,金的银的都有。
- We have substantial gold and silver reserves. 我们有丰富的金银储备。
- Two styles for this. Gold and silver. 这一款有金色跟银色两种.
- Gold and silver possess an odor for them. 金和银对他们来说,是有味的。
- The cover of the book was laid over with gold and silver. 这本书的封面用金银装饰。
- Our shop processes gold and silver ornaments with timely delivery. 本店加工金银首饰,交货及时。