- Please go down the ladder and chuck up my hat. 请下梯子把我的帽子扔上来。
- Go down the road till you reach the traffic lights. 沿路前行直至有交通灯处。
- I've just seen them going down the road arm in arm. 我刚看到他们臂挽着臂沿着这条道走去。
- Go down the road till you reach the traffic light. 沿路前行直至有交通灯处。
- Go down the corridor and he is there. 沿着走廊走过去,他就在那里。
- A single mistake and all that time and money would go down the drain. 只要发生一个错误,全部的时间和金钱就将尽付东流。
- I'll climb up on the roof and go down the chimney. 我将爬上屋顶,从烟囱中下去。
- Did you hear my mother go down the stairs? 你听见我母亲下楼了吗?
- Our plans to go swimming went down the drain when it rained. 天一下雨,我们去游泳的计划就全落空了。
- I heard the boy go down the stairs. 我听到这个男孩走下楼去。
- Saw all her plans go down the tubes. 看到她所有的计划付之东流
- I saw the drowned man go down the lawn at the dawn. 我看见漏水者在拂晓时走下草坪。
- Their friendship will go down the drain. (他们的友谊将要完蛋了。)
- Go down the escalator and follow the signs. 走下电扶梯按标示走。
- If you leave college, all that money has gone down the drain! 你要是中断大学的学习,你花的钱就会都付诸东流了。
- She cried when she saw all her plans go down the tubes. 看到她一切的计划全都失败了,她哭了。
- The ducks squawked and went down the lake. 鸭群嘎嘎乱叫着冲向湖中。
- He hummed and went down the stairs. 他嘴里哼着曲子走下了楼。
- go down the never 顺流而下
- Go down the street one block and take Bus No.20. 一直走一个街区,然后乘20路车就可以了。