- investment in general fixed assets 一般固定资产投资
- Accounts of general fixed assets group 一般固定资产类帐户
- general fixed assets group of accounts 一般固定资产帐类
- group of general fixed assets accounts 一般固定资产账款
- Increased investment in fixed assets in Xinjiang. 加大在新疆的固定资产投资。
- general fixed assets fund 一般固定资产基金
- Managing the fixed assets and inventory. 固定资产、存货的管理。
- general fixed assets 一般固定资产
- Fixed assets are fully depreciated. 折旧足额。
- I think he'd pledge his fixed assets. 我认为他抵押了他的固定资产。
- I notice that you have very few fixed assets. 我注意到你们的固定资产很少。
- These calculating do not calculate fixed assets. 这些算不算固定资产。
- Update of Fixed Assets register. 更新固定资产登记。
- Investment in fixed assets kept fast growth. 固定资产投资快速增长。
- The investment in fixed assets kept growing. 固定资产投资保持增长
- It holds the fixed assets of 28 million Yuan. 公司固定资产达2800万元。
- My company has a lot of fixed assets. 我们公司的固定资产雄厚。
- Its fixed assets exceed six billion FMB. 固定资产总值超过60亿元。
- Fixed asset investment soared by 12 percent. 固定资产增长投资12%25左右;
- Do the job for the fixed asset booked management. 做好固定资产的登记及管理工作。