- In-line vortex meters shall be the first choice for general duty flow measurement unless otherwise noted herein. 除非在此另有注解,对于普通工况的流量测量的第一选择应是在线涡流表。
- Orifice plates are the second choice for general duty flow measurement where vortex meters or other types of meters are not suitable or where redundant measurement is required. 在涡流表或其它类型的仪表不适合的普通用途的流量测量,或要求冗余测量的地方,孔板是第二选择。
- The duties of AMS can be divided into emergency and general duties. 部队的工作大致可分为应急及常规任务两类。
- Methods The Preoperative and postoperative general duty nursing,postoperative rehabilitation training and health education were performed on the 55 patients with artificial cochlear implantation. 方法对55例人工耳蜗植入手术患者,进行术前护理、术后一般护理、术后康复训练和教育等。
- I distinguish the duty of disclosure into the necessary duty and the general duty, thinking that hospitals undertake the civil liability only when they break the necessary disclosure duty. 将医方的告知义务区分为必须的告知义务与一般的告知义务,认为医方只对违反了必须的告知义务才承担相应的民事责任。
- The industrialization of Ningxia medlar develops, will bring rich and generous duty source for Ningxia. 宁夏枸杞的产业化发展 ,将为宁夏带来丰厚的税源。
- Dr. John Sorder and Dr. Barry Roman asked for a clarification of general duties for active staff members with respiratory-care privileges. 约翰·索德尔医生和巴里·罗曼医生要求澄清具有医治呼吸道疾病资格的临床医生的一般职责。
- The Estate Agents Practice (General Duties and Hong Kong Residential Properties) Regulation and the Estate Agents (Determination of Commission Disputes) Regulation were approved by the Legislative Council in June 1999,and took effect on November 1,1999. 《地产代理常规(一般责任及香港住宅物业)规例》和《地产代理(裁定佣金争议)规例》于一九九九年六月由立法会通过,并于同年十一月一日实施。
- Last summer, I was employed by Guang Ming Electric Power Company as a clerk, where I assisted the executive secretary to handle correspondence, telephone appointment, besides the general duties of a clerk such as typing and filing. 我曾在去年暑假受聘光明电力公司,除了承担秘书的日常工作如打字和整理档案外,我协助行政秘书处理文书工作、安排电话约会。
- The Estate Agents Practice (General Duties and Hong Kong Residential Properties) Regulation and the Estate Agents (Determination of Commission Disputes) Regulation were approved by the Legislative Council in June 1999, and took effect on November 1, 1999. 《地产代理常规(一般责任及香港住宅物业)规例》和《地产代理(裁定佣金争议)规例》于一九九九年六月由立法会通过,并于同年十一月一日实施。
- Gunner Jones was praised by the general. 炮手琼斯受到了将军的表扬。
- Please give me a general idea of the work. 请告诉我这项工作的梗概。
- My general impression was that it was quite good. 大致上我觉得那相当好。
- The general decided to fly up to see his soldiers. 将军决定飞向北部去看看他的士兵们。
- Mr Powel has marked out a general course of action. 鲍威尔先生已经拟定了一个总的行动计划。
- The general has taken the helm of the states. 这位将军掌握了国家领导权。
- He was appointed the general consul of Japan. 他被任命为驻日本的总领事。
- He was exalted to the position of general manager. 他被提升到总经理的职位。
- The proposal was met with general acceptance. 这建议得到普遍的赞同。
- In the army, the general takes rank of the colonel. 在军队里,将军较上校有优先权。