- gas distributing channel 分气道
- Based on information of abnormal gas zones, a trend surface method is used to simulate gas distributing rule in the paper. 本文在分析瓦斯异常带成因的基础上,采用趋势分析方法,用趋势面来模拟瓦斯带的分布规律,设定趋势分析剩余值的阈值即可以划定出瓦斯异常带。
- Who holds the power in each distribution channel available? 谁在各个分销渠道中起控制作用?
- How much do the players in each distribution channel profit? 各个分销环节的利润是多少?
- The distribution channel is the carrier of commodity exchange. 分销渠道是企业完成其产品(服务)交换、实现价值、产生效益的重要载体。
- A new distribution channel was devised during the initial meeting. 一个新的分销渠道在启动会议上被提出。
- Chapter IV, the management of the distribution channel. 第四章为网络环境下的分销渠道管理。
- Deep zone reservoir type and oil gas distribution pattern in Bohai Gulf basin. 渤海湾盆地深层油气藏类型及油气分布规律
- The company has worldwide distribution channels. 这家公司拥有遍布全世界的销售网络。
- Based on hydraulic principle,this text deduce a formula to calculate values of water surface level in distributing channel so that it can be easy to adjust highness of floodgate board. 基于水力学基本原理推导一种近似的水面曲线计算公式,为合理快速调整闸板高程提供依据。
- China: Economic Regulation of Long Distance Gas Transmission and Urban Gas Distribution II. 中国:天然气长距离运输和城市配气的经济监管2。
- Main products are laboratory furniture, fume hood, ESD workstation, storage cabinet, high purity gas distribution, etc. 气路的设计和安装;为您精心打造安全的、科学的、绿色的实验室。
- The gas distribution system shall cover from the gas outlets on the benches or fume hoods to gas regulator manifolds at the cylinder area. 气体管路安装从气瓶站总阀门到工作台上各个气体阀门。
- Distribution channels provide a general structure for distributing goods. 分销渠道为分销产品提供了一个通用结构。
- Denudation area does not reflect uplift structure and cannot determine oil and gas distribution. 因而,剥蚀区不是隆起构造的反映,也无控制油气分布的作用。
- The influence imposed by drainage lane to goaf gas distribution is much larger in goaf's top layer than in underlayer. 泄排巷对采空区瓦斯分布的影响上层比下层更大。
- What is the suitable distribution channels for the WM products? 区域支行管理产品适合的分销渠道是什么?
- Experience in managing both distribution channels and direct sales. 具备管理分销商和直销商方面的经验。
- In addition, enterprises in the distribution channel, facilities and order, and so on was impressive. 此外,吉利在企业布局、设施和秩序等方面给人深刻印象。
- The distribution channels of Haier underwent a development process. 海尔的销售渠道经历了一个发展过程。