- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- A tissue is a group of similar cells which have an identical general function. 组织是一组具有相同的一般机能的类似细胞。
- gal function 政府职能
- What is his function on the committee? 他在委员会里担任什么职务?
- The sofa can also function as a bed. 这沙发也可以当床。
- Some English adverbs function as adjectives. 英语中有些副词可作形容词用。
- The heart performs a vital bodily function. 心脏起著维持生命的重要作用。
- Chandler: Is that gal pal spelled L-O-S-E-R? 这个女朋友是否拼写作L-O-S-E-R(失败者)?
- A maximum or minimum value of a function. 极大值,极小值函数的最大值或最小值
- A style that weds form and function. 把形式与作用紧密结合的风格
- She think she is lil gal back in Savannah. 她以为她还是在萨凡纳的那个小女孩呢。
- Having meaning, function, or purpose. 有意思的,有意图的,有目的的
- "You stop that, you evil gal", she shouted. 她大吼道:“住嘴,你这个鬼丫头”。
- One's assigned role or function. 角色某人指定的角色或职务
- It gal him to have to ask for a loan. 他得向人借贷,觉得甚为苦恼。
- Go out of China, and get rid of the ugly gal! 你滚出中国去,丑南韩丫头!
- I'm a chinese gal so I know the different. 我是中国人的不同::所以我知道乳糖。
- Salt plays an important part in the function of the body. 盐在调节身体的机能方面扮演着重要的角色。
- ATPS2,ATPS3 and ATPS4 all had Rha, Ara, Gal, GalA. ATPS2、ATPS3、ATPS4均由鼠李糖、阿拉伯糖、半乳糖、半乳糖醛酸组成。
- The gal was behind acid for about a week. 这个姑娘服用毒品大约已有一个星期了。