- funic souffle 肯尼迪氏征,脐带杂音
- Fire on duck, one sea bass and a souffle, please. 一份鸭肉,一份鲈鱼,和一份蛋白牛奶酥。
- A boyfriend who can make|chocolate souffle? |一个能为我做巧克力泡芙的男朋友?
- A souffl usually made with cheese and bread crumbs. 蛋白乳酪酥通常由乳酪和面包屑制成的蛋奶酥
- Roast beef stood eminent behind the souffle and champagne. 在蛋奶酥和香滨酒后面的烤牛排是很引人注目的。
- Roast beef stood eminent behind the souffle and champagne . 在蛋奶酥和香滨酒后面的烤牛排是很引人注目的。
- Delicious with cheese souffle, pizza, a meat fondue, red meat. 可口用乳酪蛋白牛奶酥,薄饼,肉涮制菜肴,红肉。
- Delicious with cheese souffl, pizza, a meat fondue, red meats. 适合佐餐奶酪发面饼,皮萨,肉干酪和红肉。
- Prepare a white ceramic cup. Brush the inner surface with butter and a little sugar. Pour in souffle batter. 预备一只白瓷杯,在杯内涂上牛油和少许糖,倒进梳乎厘浆。
- It shows a complex mint-spice nose with a mouthful of fruit and a velour of tannins. Delicious with cheese souffle, pizza, a meat fondue, red meat. 它显示一个复杂薄菏香料与水果及单宁的丝滑结合。可口用乳酪蛋白牛奶酥,薄饼,肉涮制菜肴,红肉。
- Never open the oven door to peep, once the cool air comes in, the souffle will not rise again. 烤焗时切记不可打开炉门窥看,因梳乎厘与较低于炉火的空气相遇后,便不能再升起。
- Waiter: And if you would like our crepe souffle[18] for desert, it will be a good idea to order now. 侍者:如果你喜欢我们的蛋白牛奶酥做甜点,最好现在就下单。
- One of the masterpieces of the French New Wave, Breathless (A Bout de Souffle) launched the career of Jean-Luc Godard. 米修是个不受道德束缚的轻狂青年,杀人偷车视作等閒,终于因杀警成为通缉犯。
- The Souffle dessert was a perfect match with the sweet wine of Chateau Guiraud, which drew a full stop to the dinner. 最后带橙皮香气的疏乎厘绝妙地烘托出琼浆甜白葡萄酒的甜美,也为晚宴写下完美句点。
- I needed to take this photo quickly before the souffle collapsed. Then it melted in my mouth in no time. 这幅梳乎厘照片我得在它塌下来之前极速拍下。当然,它不可能逃得掉极速在我口中溶化的命运。
- The menu also included jellied cranberry molds, whipped sweet potato souffle and pumpkin mousse trifle. 根据白宫公布的菜单,其中包括烤火鸡、酸莓糕、平锅玉米面包、黄油土豆泥、以及南瓜派等。
- ON examination,pulsatile haematoma or Souffle was noted in the puncture position. 在超声引导下经皮穿刺假性动脉瘤,向囊腔内注射凝血酶封闭治疗。
- A Bout de Souffle Olivier Truan This is a feature for our outstanding flutist Ariel Zuckermann. 此曲是特别为我们的长笛手Ariel Zuckermann而设。
- Slowly pour into ginger egg yolk batter in 3 portions.Gently mix well to make souffle batter. 然后分3次,慢慢倒进姜汁蛋黄浆内,轻轻拌匀,制成梳乎厘浆。
- Combine egg whites with 100g sugar. Whip till foamy and soft like cream. Slowly pour into ginger egg yolk batter in 3 portions. Gently mix well to make souffle batter. 蛋白混和100克糖,打至起泡,软如忌廉。然后分3次,慢慢倒进姜汁蛋黄浆内,轻轻拌匀,制成梳乎厘浆。