- Sponge is a soft and light substance full of holes. 海绵是一种软而轻充满许多孔的物质。
- What is full of holes but still holds water? 什么东西千疮百孔却可以盛水?
- The road is no good; it's rough and full of holes. 这条路坑坑洼洼的, 太差劲了。
- This very book is full of holes as well as wholes. 这本特别的书中到处是有缺和无缺。
- The road is no good, it's rough and full of holes. 这条路坑坑洼洼的,太差劲了。
- I wish you'd get rid of that old jacket,it's full of holes. 我希望你将那件旧茄克衫处理掉,它完全破了。
- I don't believe what she says,her story is full of holes. 我不相信她的话,她的陈述漏洞百出。
- It would serve you right if they filled you full of holes. 如果他们把你打得满身都是洞,这是你咎由自取。
- Even though i'm full of holes, I'm very useful in the kitchen. 别看我浑身是洞,厨房里面显灵通。
- I wish you'd get rid of that old jacket, it's full of holes. 我希望你将那件旧茄克衫处理掉,它完全破了。
- This road is no good; it is rough and full of holes. 这条路坑坑洼洼,太差劲了。
- He walked with a stride full of purpose. 他迈着坚定的步伐向前走。
- She has a book full of cuttings about her film. 她有一本书贴满了关于她的一些影片的剪报。
- Many of the roofs were so full of holes that they looked like gratings. 许多屋顶千穿百孔,象筛子一样。
- The security on the Eastern side was still full of holes back then. Then what? 东方阵营的安全措施那时候真是千疮百孔。然后呢?
- New York City's Third Avenue is full of gin mills. 纽约市第3大街上小酒吧林立。
- He delivered a long prose full of platitudes. 他发表了一篇充满陈词滥调的文章。
- She was full of shame at her bad behavior. 她对自己的不良行为感到羞耻。
- My hole is warm and full of light. 我的洞温暖如春,光线充足。
- Taper of hole in spindle nose MT No. 主轴锥孔锥度。