- There is a blackboard on the front wall. 指着黑板。
- On the front wall there is a big map of world. 在前面的墙上有一副巨大的世界地图。
- On the front wall there is a map of China. 在前面的墙上有一幅中国地图。
- Browsing the front wall's spotlights. 墙上的聚光,我正在浏览。
- What is on the front wall of your classroom? 在你的教室的前面的墙上是什么?
- Disengage the coaxial cable grommet from the hole in the right cowl side outer panel. 从右前罩板外侧孔切断同轴电线保护环。
- The reduction effect of inner panel and outer panel of the bonnet are 46.38% and 50.18% respectively. 发动机罩内、外板的减重效果分别为46.;38%25和50
- The front wall of the awning can also be completely folded back. 遮阳篷的前墙也可以完全对叠起来。
- In practical auto outer panel application, both steels attain a considerably high yield strength after press forming, but it does not increase after baking. 汽车外板实物分析结果表明,两种钢冲压成形后再烘烤,其屈服强度几乎没有提高。
- Front wall of wheel house shall have a forward slop of 15 degree . 驾驶室的前壁应该有向前倾15度角。
- With manufacture of the drawing die of an engine hood as the example,the process and method of digitalization manufacture of outer panel dies are indicated. 以某汽车发动机罩拉延模制造为例,阐述了汽车覆盖件模具数字化制造的流程与方法。
- Using a trim stick or another suitable wide flat-bladed tool, pry gently at the lower edge of the rear washer nozzle to release the snap clips that secure it to the liftgate outer panel. 用饰板手柄或其它合适的宽叶式扁平工具,轻轻撬动后清洗器喷嘴的最下沿,以释放固定清洗器喷嘴于升降闸门外侧板的紧固夹。
- Installation of steel structures and cladding. Fabricate and install docking, front wall steel structure. Precast concrete and stressing work. 安装钢结构及盖面板、平台和前墙结构建造安装,混凝土预制件及张拉工程。
- The front wall is still subjected to wind pressure, although the back wall is shielded from it. 正面墙仍然受到风压作用,尽管后墙因受到掩蔽不会受到它的作用。
- Repair of Bus Body Outer Panel Skin 大客车车身张拉蒙皮的修理
- The walls of our classroom are whire. There's a blackboard on the front wall. 在教室的墙壁上挂着一些东西。有黑板再墙上。我们的教室非常的干净。
- Water-proofing on outer panel joint 外墙板接缝防水
- In the end, he had to be forklifted out after the front wall of his house was torn down. 最后,他房子正面的那道墙壁被拆掉后,他才被用铲车搬出去。
- Aramid mats are thus used for the roof and the body columns and for the front wall to the footwell and the back wall to the luggage compartment. 因此芳纶垫用于屋顶和身体列和前墙的脚部和背部墙到行李箱。
- A front wall against the Gulf could condemn to death the wetlands behind it, by changing the tidal mixing patterns of saltwater and freshwater. 建一道面向墨西哥湾的堤防,等于对墙内的湿地宣判死刑,因为它会改变海水与淡水混合的潮间带。