- On a hot day a dip in the sea is sheer paradise. 热天洗个海水澡是十分令人惬意的事。
- During the intermission, let's go out for some fresh air. 幕间休息时,我们出去呼吸呼吸新鲜空气吧。
- A walk in the fresh air will pep me up. 我在空气新鲜的地方散步就感到精神饱满。
- Do you have any fresh salmon in at the moment? 现在有新鲜大马哈鱼卖吗?
- Fresh air and exercise are good for the health. 新鲜空气和运动有益于健康。
- It's time for my dip in the tub. 我该洗澡了。
- Dip your injured finger in the disinfectant to soak out the poison. 把你受伤的手指浸在消毒剂里,把毒浸泡出来。
- The fresh air blew in from the open window. 新鲜空气从开着的窗户吹进来。
- I always imbibe fresh air in the woods. 我经常在树林里呼吸新鲜空气。
- We are going for a dip in the sea. 我们去洗个海水浴。
- He hollowed out a small dip in the ground. 他在地上挖出了一个小坑。
- The road takes a dip round the corner. 那条路在转角处往下倾斜。
- A fresh coat of paint can transform a room. 房间重新粉刷一遍可大为改观。
- On a hot day a dip in the pool is sheer paradise. 大热天在游泳池里泡一泡真是太美了。
- He do not throw much fresh light on the subject. 关于这个问题他没有提供很多新的见解。
- Dip up a bucketful of water from the well. 从井中汲取一满桶的水。
- In most markets you can buy fresh fruit in bulk. 在大多数市场上可买到散装新鲜水果。
- Having the same magnetic inclination or dip. 等磁倾的有相同的磁倾斜的
- The fresh air in the morning made him feel glad. 早晨的新鲜空气使他觉得愉快。