- He pays out 100 dollars in insurance premiums every year. 他每年付保险费一百美元。
- When her husband died, she received 50000 in insurance. 她丈夫去世後,她得到50000英镑的保险金。
- Who practising fraud in the examination will be punished. 对在考试中作弊的人是要处罚的。
- A kind of coverage available in insurance. 保险承保的范围
- Her husband works in insurance . 她丈夫在保险业工作.
- Stable progress was made in insurance service. 保险事业稳步发展。
- When her husband died,she received 50000$ in insurance. 她丈夫去世后,她得到了50000美元保险 。
- There is plenty of fraud in various aspects of insurance. In automobile insurance, we have fraud units. 保险业界时常发生很多诈欺案,以汽车保险来说,我们就设有投诉部门。
- The great mass of the audience was not interested in insurance. 大部分的听众对保险不感兴趣。
- When herf husband died, she received 50000 in insurance. 她丈夫去世后;她得到50000英镑的保险金.
- I pray in aid the statute of fraud in support of the defendant's case. 我请求以诈欺法来支持被告的案子。
- I pray in aid the statute of fraud in supporting of the defendant's case. 我请求以诈欺法来支持被告的案子。
- The frequency of fraud in the operation of private lotteries resulted in their prohibition by many countries,and subsequently most public lotteries also were discontinued. 私人彩票频繁的欺骗操作导致其在许多国家遭禁,随后大多数公共彩票也停止发行。
- It was said that the athletes practiced fraud in the first several Olympic Games. 据说前面几后奥运会,有的运动员弄虚作假。
- A brokerage yuppie no longer, Wu Hsin-hui now works happily in insurance. 不做号子英雄,吴心慧是个快乐的保险业务员。
- The independence and abstractness of letter of credit is the possible factor of fraud in letter of credit transactions. 信用证的独立抽象性是信用证欺诈产生的法律可能性因素。
- Xinbaoxun Yesterday, the sensational national real estate fraud in Beijing Caine Shek High Court has final outcome. 信报讯 昨天,轰动全国房地产业的坚石诈骗案在北京市高院有了终审结果。
- Consequently it is imminent to do criminological sutdies and add the crime of litigation fraud in the criminal law. 因此,我国刑法应增设诉讼欺诈罪,合理配置其法定刑。
- They were demonstrating against alleged fraud in this past weekend's parliamentary elections. 他们被证明在上周的议会选举中有所谓的欺诈行为。
- The White House says it's monitoring reports of voter fraud in Iran's presidential election. 白宫方面表示正密切关注有关伊朗总统大选存在舞弊现象的报道。