- application of foreign public law 外国公法的适用
- This distinction is not drawn in public law. 这种区别在公共法中没有作出划分。
- Recommendation 2 misses out cases involving public law principles. 第2项建议遗漏涉及公法原则的案件。
- Congress has approved a new publication law. 国会已通过一项新的出版法。
- But if it can be legislated in public law, it must not injure private right. 3. 公法是否能加以规范成为一个开放的领域,然而其效力不应该不当地侵入私法领域。
- Heartfelt wish domestic and foreign Public figure Collects the friend Christmas day cheerful! 衷心祝愿国内外各界人士、藏友圣诞节愉快、万事如意!
- Public law includes laws that affectthe public generally. 公法一般包括影响公众的法律。
- The sixth source of new products is foreign publications. 第六种新产品的来源是外国的出版物。
- Public law includes laws that affect the public generally. 公法一般包括影响公众的法律。
- The OECD finds it “surprising that no company or individual [in Britain] has been indicted or tried for the offence of bribing a foreign public official”. OECD发现,“令人惊讶的是,(在英国,)没有任何公司或个人因为向外国公职人员行贿而被起诉或审判”。
- The first traffic policewomen of Guangzhou, South China began their outdoor service in downtown yesterday, and are well-received by the Chinese and foreign public. 据了解,交警部门此次共成立了两个女警中队,每个中队配备15名女警。
- The proportion between the values of gold and silver money was not fixed by any public law or proclamation. 金币和银币价值的比例,不由法律或公告规定。
- Two is it can consummate the standard that the legal system has been divided into the public law and the civil law. 二是完善了将法分为公法与私法这一法律部门划分标准。
- This article will explore the type of administrative subjects claiming public law returning right against people. 本文所探讨者,为行政主体向人民主张公法上返还请求权之类型。
- Congress has approved the new publication laws. 国会已通过新的出版法。
- A right of claim under public law is extinguished ipso facto upon completion of the prescription. 公法上请求权,因时效完成而当然消灭。
- Foreign public accounting firms that wish to establish a permanent representative office within the territory of China must apply to the financial department of the State Council for approval. 外国会计师事务所在中国境内设立常驻代表机构,须报国务院财政部门批准。
- See Martin Loughlin,Public Law and Political Theory, Oxford University Press,1992,p140. 洛克林说戴西是英国宪法的编纂者(codifier)。
- Foreign publications are sold at major hotels, malls, and bookstores in Metro Manila and key cities. 外国的出版物在达马尼拉的旅馆、购物大厦和书店在与主要城市匀有售。
- Public diplomacy is one kind of foreign policy behaviour in the implementation of foreign policy through foreign publicity by a state government. 摘要公共外交是一国政府通过对外宣传活动实施其对外政策的一种外交行为方式。