- She had never learned to fly a kite. 她一直没有学会放风筝。
- You can't fly a kite if there is no wind. 要是没有风,你的风筝便放不起来。
- I can fly a kite and go climbing, too. 我还可以放风筝和爬山。
- I can fly a kite. I can fly a kite. 我会放风筝。我会放风筝。
- A boy is flying a kite in the piazza. 一个小男孩在阳台上放风筝。
- I like spring. I can fly a kite in spring. 我喜欢春天。我可以在春天放风筝。
- I want to fly a kite in the park. 我想去公园放风筝。
- I wanted to fly a kite, but it was too hard. 我想要去放风筝,但是它太难了。
- Billy the cat went to fly a kite. 小猫比利去放风筝。
- Dad, would you like to fly a kite with me? 爸爸,您想和我去放风筝吗?
- It's cool and windy. You can fly a kite. 天气凉爽多风。你可以放风筝。
- Why don't you just go fly a kite or something? 你为什么不滚一边去呢?
- It's time to play. B. It's time to fly a kite. 现在是学习的时间了。
- It's windy today. Why don't we fly a kite? 今天风很大。我们何不来放风筝呢?
- Would you like to fly a kite with me? 你可以和我一起去放风筝吗?
- I find it interesting to fly a kite on a windy day. 我发现在有风的日子里放风筝很有趣。
- He wants to fly a kite with his brother. 他想和他哥哥一起去放风筝。
- When you feel depressed, go to fly a kite. 心情不好时,就去放风筝吧。
- The weather was favorable to fly a kite. 这种天气适合放风筝。
- We will fly a kite on our new product. 我们将试探有关我们新产品的舆论。