- Valves - Test of flow resistance using water as test fluid. 阀门。用水作为试验液体的流动阻力试验。
- The effect of implantation is similar to that of cyclodialysis; howeer, the shunt proides sufficient flow resistance to eliminate the risk of hypotony. 移植的效果和睫状体分离术很相似;然而,金微管提供了足够的流动抗性来减少张力减退的风险。
- Little flow resistance and corrosiveness of media.It has double flow direction and is widely applied. 液体阻力小,介质冲蚀小,具有双流向适用范围广。
- These membranes feature high permeability and thereby low flow resistance during filtering and separation. 这种薄膜在过滤和分离过程中具高渗透性和极低的流量阻挡。
- Reasonable design, big flow zone, smoothbore, no heap of dirty, small flow resistance. 设计合理,流通面积大,通径平滑过渡,无脏物堆积现象,流通阻力小。
- The truss structure featured by small flow resistance,strong toughness and less pressure loss. 具有流阻小,刚性好,压力损失小的桁架式结构。
- The bottom of the body designed no concave nest. So have lower flowing resistance and prevent valves leakage or damage from trash pipe up. 阀体底部设计无凹槽,因此具有流阻小,防止污物堆积造成阀门渗漏或损坏等特点。
- Combine the usage Poiseuille s formula to cardiovascular system of human body each the analysis that flowing resistance,blood pres... 并运用泊肃叶公式对人体心血管系统中各段血管的流阻、血压及影响动脉血压的因素进行了定性的分析。
- The effect of heat transfer and flow resistance on different structure of crossed-rib is investigated by experiment. 通过试验,研究了不同结构的交错肋对换热及流阻特性的影响。
- Flowing capability is big and the flow resistance is little. When the valve opening, the valve core is located inside ball cavity and the flow route is straight tube. 流通能力大、流阻小。这是因为开启后阀芯位于藏球室内,阀体流道呈直筒式。
- The heat transfer and flow resistance performance of corrugated tube heat exchanger were examined by oil, water, and steam. 采用油、水、水蒸气对波纹管换热器的传热和流动阻力性能进行了试验研究。
- The paper discusses the solution method of bus-piping circulating water system and introduces one new concept-Virtual Flow Resistance. 详细介绍了母管制循环水系统的数学描述和求解,提出了虚拟流程阻力的概念。
- By analysing the flowing resistance of the massecuite, this paper discusses the problem of how to calculate the circulation ratio of a vacuum pan equipped with mulidowntakes. 结晶罐的循环比是否合理,反映了结晶罐结构性能的优劣。
- The molecularly imprinted monolithic column is developed in HPLC,due to its simple preparation,high selectivity and low flow resistance. 分子印迹整体柱具有制备简单、特异选择好及传质阻力低等优点,在高效液相色谱中的应用发展迅速。
- The heavy oil with a very deep depth has a certain flowing capacity, but it has big flow resistance through the wellbore, which causes the main difficulty of production. 深层稠油在油藏条件下具有一定的流动能力,但在井筒中的流动阻力却很大,造成生产上的困难。
- The characteristic of turbulent heat transfer and flow resistance with multi-longitudinal vortexes in tube is numerically analyzed. 对多纵向涡对管内湍流换热和流阻特性进行了数值分析。
- At the same time, after shearing, the viscosity is lost;viscoelasticity and the ability of establishing flow resistance have decreased. 同时,聚合物溶液经剪切后,粘度损失严重,粘弹性和建立流动阻力能力下降明显。
- Therefore, the transition region forms between a circular angle area &straight side area, where the flow resistance is of maximum. 于是,在板坯的凸缘面上,在圆角区域与直边区域之间,形成了一个流动阻力为极大的过渡区域。
- Recovery of the waste heat of ICE using heat pipe has advantages of small volume, light weight and low flow resistance without affecting its power output. 热管用于内燃机废气余热利用具有体积小、重量轻、流阻低,不影响内燃机功率的优点。
- During the mid and later stage of oilfield development, as formation pressure decreases, flow resistance of formation increases and formation permeability decreases. 油田开发到中后期,油层压力下降,油层流动阻力增加,地层渗透率降低,使油井产量很低或成为死井。