- I flap the flies away but soon they fly back. 我把苍蝇赶走,但一会儿又飞回来了。
- flap endonuclease 激动内切核酸酶
- A flap from the tail of the whale upset the boat. 鲸尾轻轻一拍便把小船打翻了。
- I got into a real flap when I lost my keys. 我丢了钥匙,心里发慌。
- The (flap of the) envelope was unstuck. 信封(的封口)没粘住。
- A decorative flap or loose fold on a garment or headdress. 垂饰外套或头巾上的装饰性的下垂物或松散的褶层
- He doused the candle with a flap of his hand. 他用手煽熄烛火。
- A flap in Congress over the defense budget. 由于国防预算引起的国会慌乱
- I am really in a flap about the interview. 这面试真叫我慌极了。
- I'm really in a flap about the explosion. 我很担心会爆炸。
- A ,sad sequence ;B ,restriction endonuclease cutting sites of sad. 段,与序列分析结果相一致(图略)。
- I get into a real flap when I lose my key. 我丢了钥匙,心里发慌。
- You often flap blackbeetle with newspaper. 用报纸打蟑螂是家常便饭。
- To flap while losing wind. Used of a sail. 无风张帆无风时张帆。用于航海
- A triangular fold or flap of a heart valve. 尖瓣心脏瓣膜的褶皱或瓣片之一
- The flap of the flag in the wind. 风中旗帜的飘动
- I am really in a flap about the explosion. 我很担心会爆炸。
- Don't get in a flap; we'll soon find it. 不要慌,我们很快就会找到它的。
- Keep cool,there's no need to get into a flap. 冷静点,用不着激动。
- With a flap of its wings, the bird was gone. 鸟扑打着翅膀飞走了。