- fiscal poverty reduction 财政扶贫
- Micro Credit, Poverty Reduction and Chinese Woman. 小额信贷扶贫与妇女发展及其在中国的实践。
- Increasing Capital Input for Poverty Reduction. 加大扶贫开发投入力度
- How does FDI affect poverty reduction in rural China? 外国直接投资如何影响中国的农村扶贫?
- Poverty reduction in rural China and government intervention. 中国农村反贫困与政府干预。
- We share our experiences of work on poverty reduction, and have opened a dialogue on our co-operation in Africa. 我们就减少贫困所做的工作进行相互交流,并且我们之间已就非洲合作问题开通了对话渠道。
- The world must meet its commitments to achieve poverty reduction and also tackle climate change. 整个世界必须履行承诺,在减少贫穷的同时解决气候变化问题。
- He urged the bank to change with Asia's economic rise but to continue its poverty reduction efforts in poor countries. 他敦促银行随着亚洲经济的增长而改变,但是同时继续他们在贫穷国家减少贫困的努力。
- Western economists may tout foreign direct investment and global- isation as the reasons for China's poverty reduction. 西方经济学家可能会吹嘘说,外国直接投资和全球化才是中国减贫的原因。
- It was the first action program for development-oriented poverty reduction with clear and definite objectives,targets,measures and a time limit. 这是新中国历史上第一个有明确目标、明确对象、明确措施和明确期限的扶贫开发行动纲领。
- Fiscal poverty alleviation funds 财政扶贫资金
- Future poverty reduction will require a more integrated and targeted response and can not simply be left to economic growth. 今后的减少贫困工作需要更为全面和更有针对性的应对措施,而不能仅仅依赖于经济增长。
- It also stressed the importance of integrating IP policies with formulation and implementation of broader development and poverty reduction plans. 它还强调,把知识产权政策与制定和执行更广泛的发展和减贫计划相结合很重要。
- It discussed WIPO's role in IP and development issues, emphasising the need for WIPO to act within wider poverty reduction or development strategies. 文件中讨论了WIPO在知识产权与发展问题上的作用,强调WIPO必须在更广泛的减贫或发展战略中采取行动。
- In March 2001, the OECD held a Global Forum on Exploiting the Digital Opportunities for Poverty Reduction in collaboration with the UN, UNDP and the World Bank. 2001年3月,经合组织举行的全球论坛数码机遇扶贫开发同联合国、开发计划署和世界银行。
- It was the first action program for development-oriented poverty reduction with clear and definite objectives, targets, measures and a time limit. 这是新中国历史上第一个有明确目标、明确对象、明确措施和明确期限的扶贫开发行动纲领。
- Professor Deaton tells us this was especially true with research on the relationship between globalization and poverty reduction. 迪顿教授告诉我们,这种情况在全球化和扶贫之间的关系时显得特别明显。
- Olav Kjorven says, the two issues of poverty reduction and the environment had existed side by side, but rarely had they connected until now. 欧拉文金文还说,扶贫和环境两个问题并存很就,但现在两者关联很少。
- He took an institution that was defensive and on the verge of irrelevance, refocused it and re-energised its staff to work on poverty reduction. 当初他接手的世行,是一家故步自封、接近落伍的机构。他为该机构重新确立工作重点,并恢复员工士气,以投入扶贫工作。
- Shagun Mehrotra, is an Urban Planner pursuing research at Columbia University on infrastructure, its impact on economic growth and poverty reduction. 城市规划者,在哥伦比亚大学致力于基础设施建设、及其对经济增长和摆脱贫困的影响研究。