- first birth parturient 一胎产妇
- Two years later, Sanger spent 30 days in jail when she opened America's first birth control clinic in Brooklyn. 2年后,桑格在布鲁克林开了全美第一间避孕诊所。
- The first birth began in 1992, and we have produced one white calf somewhere upon Earth per year ever since. 第一只诞生于1992年,从那时到现在,我们每年在地球上某地出生一只白牛犊。
- The country's first birth after the closing Peian disease risk, Suzhou and many mainstream media have reported that enthusiasm for concern. 这一全国首例优生优育疾病险赔案结案后,苏州及国内不少主流媒体纷纷热情关注报道。
- A young maternal age at first birth, especially when younger than 20 years, was associated with chronic LBP and combined chronic LBP/UEP. 产第一胎时年龄小(尤其小于20岁时)与慢性LBP和LBP/UEP之间有联系。
- Dutch physician who opened the world's first birth control clinic in Amsterdam in 1882. Jacobs was also instrumental in gaining voting rights for Dutch women in 1919. 雅各布斯,简生于1916美国作家,他的作品城市的死与生(1916年)和城市经济(1969年),向传统的城市规划理论提出了挑战。
- Dutch physician who opened the world's first birth control clinic in Amsterdam in1882.Jacobs was also instrumental in gaining voting rights for Dutch women in1919. 雅各布斯,简生于1916美国作家,他的作品城市的死与生(1916年)和城市经济(1969年),向传统的城市规划理论提出了挑战
- Dutch physician who opened the world's first birth control clinic in Amsterdam in1882. Jacobs was also instrumental in gaining voting rights for Dutch women in1919. 雅各布斯,简生于1916美国作家,他的作品城市的死与生(1916年)和城市经济(1969年),向传统的城市规划理论提出了挑战
- WTH X C ASE REPORTAt first birth process, the midwife accompanied the lying-i n woman shifted to the delivery room and told her the ease pain and how to c ontr ol the labor step at the labor. [病例报告 ]在第一产程 ,产妇转入产室后由助产士陪伴 ,告知产妇分娩时的镇痛及应急措施 ;
- "The cognitive development of their children is reduced, and their own cognitive development is impaired compared with those mothers with a later first birth," Times Online quoted the researchers, as saying. 《泰晤士报》网站在报道中援引研究人员的话说:“这造成孩子的认知发育减缓,与那些晚生育的女性相比,少女妈妈自身的智力发展也受到损害。”
- Young maternal age at first birth, especially younger than 20 years, was associated with chronic LBP and combined chronic LBP/UEP, suggesting that this may be a risk factor for chronic LBP in women. 讨论:本研究显示:在妇女中,激素和生殖因素例如月经不规律或经期延长或子宫切除术等与慢性LBP和UEP都有联系。
- Interval between marriage and the first birth; 结婚到头胎的间隔;
- First in order of birth; born first. 头生的,最长的出生顺序在先的; 先生的
- Leaving her first job was a watershed in her life. 辞去她的第一份工作是她生活中的一个转折点。
- Cook the meat quickly at first to seal in the juices. 一开始要大火烧肉,以便保存肉汁。
- In the word "mother" the stress is on the first syllable. 在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。,在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。
- His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。
- Passengers with cars must embark first. 带汽车的乘客必须先上船。
- Bob teed off on the new pitcher's first delivery. 鲍勃猛击那新投手所投的第一个球。
- Alarmed at the first sound, we hit the dirt. 第一声警报一响我们就迅速卧倒。