- Say that the derivative financial instruments. 再说说衍生金融工具。
- Other financial instruments as approved by CSRC. (四)中国证监会批准的其他金融工具。
- Denomination The stated value found on financial instruments. 票面金额金融工具上列明的价值。
- Delivery: final transfer of a security or financial instrument. 交割:证券或金融工具的最终转让。
- Auditing of derivative financial instrument based on risk-based audit approach. 论文名称,基于风险导向的衍生金融工具审计。
- Distant water can not quench present thirst property financial instruments: Which is more recent Shanghai? 远水难解近渴房产金融工具:哪个离上海更近?
- It must employ all of its assets and financial instruments for the benefit of every stakeholder. 它运用资产和金融工具的目的应该是出于每一位利益相关者的利益。
- A derivative is a financial instrument whose value is derived from an underlying asset. 衍生工具是一种其价值是衍生自待敲资产的金融工具。
- There is scope for securitisation of these loans to produce more financial instruments for money market operations. 假如将这些贷款证券化,可以提供更多金融工具供货币市场操作之用。
- Off-balance-sheet activities involve trading financial instruments and generation income from fees and loan sales. 表外业务包括金融工具的交易以及通过收费和出售贷款等取得收入的业务。
- In this six-month period, the two sides have exchanged financial instruments contractual rights or obligations. 在这六个月的期间内,双方均有交换金融工具的合同权利或义务。
- Worth doing, the first thing I am afraid of financial instruments, including what items should be broadly understood. 值得做的第一件事,恐怕是对金融工具包括什么项目应有大致的了解。
- On profit allocation methods in special fields such as global trading and new financial instruments. 特殊领域的利润分配法,如全球交易和新的金融工具。
- Hybrid Security A security that combines two or more different financial instruments. 混合证券结合两种或以上金融工具的证券。
- This will help enrich the variety of financial instruments available in each market and offer investors more choice. 这有助丰富两地市场金融工具的品种,以及增加投资者的选择。
- Format(Verbiage) of the Financial Instruments attached Appendix 3 to form part of this contract. 附录3中金融票据的格式(措词)构成本合同的一部分。
- Financial instruments accounting standards (FIAS) are more complex and special than other accounting standards. 摘要金融工具准则在企业会计准则体系中较为特殊和复杂。
- Schumer said Treasury needs to address the systemic risk of complex financial instruments such as credit-default swaps. 此外舒默表示,财政部还需要解决信贷违约掉期等复杂的金融工具所蕴含的系统性风险。
- The presentation of financial instruments includes the presentation and disclosure of financial instruments. 金融工具列报,包括金融工具列示和金融工具披露。
- Thus the risk involved in financial instruments is correctly evaluated by individuals populating these models. 这样的“繁荣-萧条”景气循环,不能作为将储蓄高效率输送到最具前途的投资项目的例证。