- Kill green vegetation in the fall and grow the garden the following spring. 在秋天铲除植被,并且在皆下来的春天种植花园。
- The boy fell and scraped the skin off this knee. 那男孩跌倒,擦破了膝盖的皮。
- She fell and put her knee out of joint. 她摔得膝关节脱臼了。
- He fell and bruised himself/his leg. 他跌倒後身体[腿]受了挫伤。
- He fell and hit his head on the corner of a box. 他跌倒时,头碰到箱子的一角。
- The cup fell and was broken to pieces. 茶杯掉下去,砸成碎片。
- The cup fell and was broken into pieces. 茶杯掉下去,砸成碎片。
- He fell and got a nasty bang on the head. 他跌了一跤,头部磕得很重。
- She fell and almost/nearly broke her neck. 她跌倒了,险些跌断了脖子。
- Tom had a fall and his under lip began to swell up. 汤姆跌了一跤,下唇开始肿起。
- Be mine on Valentines Day and grow along with me. 请答应在情人节嫁给我,让我们长相厮守。
- He fell and dislocated his shoulder. 他跌倒而使肩部脱臼。
- Some Cactaurs live long lives and grow huge. 一些仙人掌由于生长时间过久而长得十分巨大,这个大仙人掌无疑就是其中之一。
- You wished for your child to hurry and grow up. 你多希望你的孩子快快长大。
- The horse broke a leg in the fall and had to be put down. 这马跌断了一条腿,不得不杀掉。
- Welcome to join Carrefour and grow with us. 欢迎您加入家乐福大家庭和我们一起成长。
- For a moment his mask of benevolence fell and the real man was revealed. 一刹那间,他慈善的假面扔掉,露出了他的真面目。
- Willing to learn and grow with company. 愿意学习和与公司一同成长。
- Bitterness that festered and grew. 不断产生并加深的怨恨
- Began to gurgle and grow into lotus roots. 并长成了莲藕。