- The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis where it is false. 推翻假设的机率推翻错误处无用假设的可能性
- As a result, the denominator and numerator should be about equal if the null hypothesis is true. 因此,如果无效假设为真,那么分母和分子应该差不多相等。
- The city manager should accept the null hypothesis that there is no difference between the two methods of tax listing. 市政府官员应该接受两种征税登记方法没有差别这个无效假设。
- Whenever we reject the null hypothesis, the conclusion we do accept is called the alternative hypothesis. 无论何时,拒绝无效假设时,我们所接受的结论叫做备择假设。
- The term null hypothesis arose from earlier agricultural and medical applic ation of statistics. 无效假设这个概念产生于早期的统计学在农业和医学方面的应用中。
- The null hypothesis is that there is no difference between predicted and calculated IEI values. 预测的和计算的IEI值没有差别的假设是无效的。
- If this increase is large enough relative to the SSR in the model with all of the variables, then we can reject the null hypothesis. 如果相对于包括所有解释变量的模型;新的SSR的上升足够大的话;那么我们就能拒绝原假设.
- The generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) test statistic under the null hypothesis is derived, and it is shown to be asymptotically normal. 计算出了零假设下广义似然比(GLR)检验统计量的表达式,给出了它的渐近分布,并对结果进行了模拟。
- It used to be that the goal in econometric work was to get results that were statistically significant, to reject the null hypothesis. 过去,搞经济计量学时,目标往往是争取让获得的结果,在统计上有显著意义,这样就能拒绝零假设。
- The asymptotic property of the modified supremum-type statistic and the integral-type statistic under the composite null hypothesis are derived. 对上界型检验统计量,研究了与之有关的一个极限性质;对积分型检验统计量,证明了其在复合零假设下的渐近分布。
- It's a primer problem of unit root test that establishing the null hypothesis reasonably, which is not studied deeply up to now. 摘要原假设的合理设定是单位根检验的首要问题,至今尚无学者对此进行深入研究。
- In the first case the prediction of earthquakes is a null hypothesis; in the second case the prediction of some earthquakes might be possible. 在头一种情况下,预测地震是无价值的假定;在后一种情况下,对某些地震进行预测是有可能的。”
- The z-Test tool can also be used for the case where the null hypothesis is that there is a specific nonzero value for the difference between the two population means. z-检验工具还可用于当两个总体平均值之间的差异具有特定非零值的空值假设的情况。
- The second objective examines the consultant effect on environmental stressor and IEI measurements by testing the null hypothesis of no difference among consultants. 第二个目标是通过检测咨询者间无差别的无效假设来确定咨询者对环境紧张性刺激和IEI测量产生的影响。
- The likelihood ratio tests indicate the null hypothesis of exact linear aggregations and identical preferences across income groups are rejected by the sample data. 检定统计量概似比值显示样本资料拒绝需求模式设定为线性加总,和不同所得组别需求偏好结构是一致之虚无假说。
- This conclusion is robust at most lag lengths of the test, with exception of very few lags where there are substantial evidence against the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation. 这一个结论是强健的最多测试的落后长度, 藉由最少数落后的例外哪里有没有自相关的对抗无效力假设的实质上的证据。
- Type II errors occur when the null hypothesis is not rejected when it is false 当无效假设为假而不否定时发生第II类错误
- Rather, this initial crosscountry analysis fails to reject the null hypothesis that the relative size of the SME sector per se does not exert a causal impact on growth or poverty alleviation. 相反地,这种初步的跨国别分析没有摈弃如下这种零假设,即中小企业部门本身的相对规模不对增长或消除贫困产生一种因果关系的作用。
- The false alibi threw the police off the scent. 那个不在犯罪现场的伪证使警方失去了线索。
- An unwanted false electronic pulse. 一种不希望有的假电子脉冲。