- The members'conference and experience sharing of the summer camp. 会员大会暨夏令营经验分享会。
- Experience sharing of campus greening by the host teacher. 老师与参观者分享校园绿化的经验。
- Seminars and workshops are organised to disseminate good practices and to facilitate experience sharing. 此外,亦举办研讨会及工作坊,以推广资讯科技教育的良好推行模式,以及让学校分享经验。
- It is an experience shared with family and friends. 这是一个经验分享与家人和朋友。
- C,Experience Sharing: people from handicraft factory deliver their experience including challenges and difficulties. 来自生产企业的人员介绍他们的经验及所面临的挑战及困难。
- Also, ICL is credited to these companies that offering great help and experience sharing with team. 另外,ICL有信于这些公司并为其提供帮助和分享经验。
- Therefore, we set about developing our international approach on two levels - the experience sharing level and the investigation level. 因此,我们把我们的国际方针定于两个层面-交流经验及调查行动。
- Experience Sharing: Inventing and sharing knowledge and experience. Setting up a platform for management team to make more business achievements. 分享经验:创造分享知识与经验,使管理人员与其所在团队创造更卓越的业绩。
- Through participation in the Action Plan, we hope our co-operation and experience sharing with the international community can further expand. 我们期望透过参与反贪污行动方案,进一步加强与国际社会的合作和经验交流。
- In early 2000, a cyber Management Development Centre was established to offer new learning tools and experience sharing opportunities. 二零零零年年初,中心设立了网上管理专业发展中心,提供新的学习工具及交流经验的机会。
- In early 2000,a cyber Management Development Centre (http://www.mdchk.com) was established to offer new learning tools and experience sharing opportunities. 2000年年初,中心设立了网上管理专业发展中心(http://www.;mdchk
- In early 2000, a cyber Management Development Centre (http://www.mdchk.com) was established to offer new learning tools and experience sharing opportunities. 二零零零年年初,中心设立了网上管理专业发展中心(http://www.;mdchk
- We would also like to outline some of the staff motivational initiatives adopted service-wide and in individual departments for experience sharing purposes. 此外,我们亦会简介在政府所有部门和个别部门推行的一些员工激励措施,让大家分享经验。
- The ISS also maintains the Mainland Student and Parent Forum, which serves as an experience sharing platform for the incoming students and their parents. 来港生组亦为内地学生及家长在互联网上设立讨论区,加强彼此之间的沟通。
- The four-hour gathering includes demonstration, experience sharing, video showing, sale of book/dvd/tools/glass and lucky draw. Four-hour unlimited torch time and light refreshment. 这次四小时的鈙会内容包括:示範、经验分享、录像欣赏、书籍/光蝶/工具/玻璃大特卖及抽奖等。四小时任你烧任你玩并敬备茶点招待。
- Hospital visits, health care talks, health checks, experience sharing sessions, social and recreational activities, newsletter (news and health care information) www. Hk-stroke-a. Org. 医院探访,医疗健康讲座,健康检查,心声分享,社交及康乐活动,新健之声季刋(会员通讯及健康资讯)
- Research is also advanced by frequent conference to exchange experience. 经常开会交流经验也促进了研究工作的发展。
- Mr.Panarin's resume includes many years in the Soviet KGB, an experience shared by other top Russian officials. 帕纳林曾经为苏联克格勃工作多年,这种工作经历也是其他俄罗斯高层领导人共有的。
- Macquarie ELIs provide experienced share investors a short-term investment whose value is linked to the performance of their chosen share. 麦格理ELIs为富经验的股票投资者提供一种短期的投资工具,其价值与所选股票的表现相连。
- Experience is their preparation for giving advice. 经验为她们进行咨询作了准备。