- There should always be exceptio to the rule. 凡事总有例外。
- Still, there were notable exceptio . 当然,也有个别人例外。
- There are, of course, exceptio . 当然,例外是存在的。
- Of course, there are exceptio to every rule. 当然,对任何规律都有例外。
- Exceptio include phenytoin, theophylline, and heparin. 只有苯妥英、茶碱和肝素是例外。
- Many developers have been taught or a umed that all exceptio are errors. 很多开发者都认为所有的异常都是错误。
- A Venetian law decrees that all gondolas must be painted black. The only exceptio are gondolas belonging to high public officials. 威尼斯有一条法律,规定所有的平的小船都必须漆成黑色,只有高级官员的小船例外。
- However this is not the case, and this is why they are called exceptio and not errors. 但是事实不是这样的,这就是为什么之所以叫异常而不叫错误的原因。
- "But exceptio will stand if they get the permi ion from the SGAS in advance," he added. “对于一些确实有必要出席的社会活动,需报经国家体育总局批准方可参加。”
- For such people and many more perhaps not so exceptio?nal,the proper formulation is,"Succeed at all costs but avoid appearing ambitious. 对于这样的人,以及更多也许不太出色的人而言,恰当的行为准则是:“不惜一切代价获得成功,但要避免让人看出雄心勃勃。”
- Venetian law decrees that all gondolas must be painted black. The only exceptio are gondolas belonging to high public officials. 威尼斯有一条法律,规定所有的平的小船都必须漆成黑色,只有高级官员的小船例外。
- A Venetian law decrees that all gondolas must be painted black.The only exceptio are gondolas belonging to high public officials. 威尼斯有一条法律,规定所有的平的小船都必须漆成黑色,只有高级官员的小船例外。
- For such people and many more perhaps not so exceptio?nal,the proper formulation is,“Succeed at all costs but avoid appearing ambitious. 对于这样的人,以及更多也许不太出色的人而言,恰当的行为准则是:“不惜一切代价获得成功,但要避免让人看出雄心勃勃。”收藏指正
- All exceptio are not errors. 异常不一定是错误。
- When parties don't enforce right and have an effect on profit of interested person, the interested person can cite temporis exceptio before procedure of first instance and close of debate. 当当事人怠于主张消灭时效的效力的行为影响到利害关系人的利益时,利害关系人可以在第一审程序中法庭辩论结束前援用时效抗辩。
- 1、There are, of course, exceptio . 当然,例外是存在的。
- 2.A Venetian law decrees that all gondolas must be painted black.The only exceptio are gondolas belonging to high public officials. 威尼斯有一条法律,规定所有的平的小船都必须漆成黑色,只有高级官员的小船例外。
- 1. For such people and many more perhaps not so exceptio?nal,the proper formulation is,“Succeed at all costs but avoid appearing ambitious. 对于这样的人,以及更多也许不太出色的人而言,恰当的行为准则是:“不惜一切代价获得成功,但要避免让人看出雄心勃勃。”收藏指正
- 1.For such people and many more perhaps not so exceptio?nal,the proper formulation is,“Succeed at all costs but avoid appearing ambitious. 对于这样的人,以及更多也许不太出色的人而言,恰当的行为准则是:“不惜一切代价获得成功,但要避免让人看出雄心勃勃。”
- For such people and many more perhaps not so exceptio瞡al,the proper formulation is,“Succeed at all costs but avoid appearing ambitious.” 对于这样的人,以及更多也许不太出色的人而言,恰当的行为准则是:“不惜一切代价获得成功,但要避免让人看出雄心勃勃。”