- I begrudge every second I spent trying to help him. 我为了帮助他而花掉的每一秒钟都令我不痛快。
- My helpless watch passed by every second alone. 无奈的手表孤单的走过每一秒。
- Seize every second of your life and savor it. 抓住你生命中的每分每秒,细细品味,
- But no problems. I still enjoyed every second. 没问题,我仍然享受在这的每一秒。
- Mr Sharp who works out of the country-music tradition, is a gifted lyricist who does something good in every second song. 基于乡村音乐进行创作的夏普先生是一位很有天才的歌词作者,他在许多歌曲中都做出好成绩。
- The rider rises from the saddle every second stride. 骑马的人每两步就从马鞍上跃起。
- Summons a Pulse Nova every second to damage nearby enemies. 一级-启动脉冲新星,每秒造成周围敌方单位66点(8点)伤害。
- Every second of my life is worth tens of thousands of dollars! 我一秒钟值几十万!
- A forty-eight hour week, too, with only every second Sunday off. 而且是每礼拜四十八小时的工作,两礼拜才能有一个礼拜天休息。
- In your pursuing steps, every second is the step for your success. 在你追寻的脚步中;每一秒都是你成功的阶梯.
- The schedule was chotto kibishi kedo I loved every second of it. 日程稍微紧了点,不过我很珍惜在那儿的每一秒钟。
- I cont the time you have me,every minute,every second. 我一分,一秒的计算着你离去的时间。
- The time of life is short. So, now every second counts. 生命是短暂“的”,从现在开始我们必须争分多秒。
- Remember this is a bathhouse, where rejection happens every second. 记住这就是浴室,被拒绝的事时时刻刻都在发生。
- They said Sir at nearly every second word: it made one feel sick to hear them. 他们几乎每讲一句话下面,都要跟上一个“老爷”,听来实在叫人肉麻。
- Every second of every day, you manufacture 10 million new red blood cells. 每一天的每一秒钟,你的身体会制造出一千万个新的红血球。
- The text in the label is updated every second with the correct time. 标签中的文本每隔一秒更新为正确的时间。
- Operations are not affected more frequently than every second screen refresh. 运算受影响的频率不超过每两次屏幕刷新一次。
- Every second that is passing now is the first second in our left time. 我们正在经历的每一秒钟可都是我们剩余生命中的第一秒啊.
- I vowed to see the beauty in life,and cherish every second that belongs to me. 我发誓我看到生活中美好的事物,要珍惜属于我的每一秒。