- ethylidene dichloride 亚乙基二氯,1,1-二氯乙烷
- The process of adding hydrogen gas in fuel gas of ethylidene chloride pyrolyzer and its effects were introduced. 介绍了在二氯乙烷裂解炉燃料气中添加氢气的工艺过程和效果。
- Mercury(II) chloride;Mercuric chloride;mercuric bichloride;mercury dichloride;mercury chloride;mercury perc ... 氯化汞;升汞;二氯化汞;氯化高汞;氯化汞触媒香港
- The developments of manufacturing technology and research on ethylidene norbornene abroad were reviewed with 71 references. 介绍了国外亚乙基降冰片烯的生产技术和科研工作的进展情况。
- The production and consumption presents of ethylene dichloride, and development prospect in the world were analysed. 分析了世界二氯乙烷的生产消费现状及发展前景,指出了发展趋势。
- This paper reviewed the synthesis of benzene phosphorus dichloride(BPD)and its applicat-ions. 介绍了二氯苯基膦(BPD)的合成方法及其应用。
- Acid corrosion of it, but soluble in chloroform, ethylene dichloride, bananas, water and other organic solvents. 它耐酸碱腐蚀,但易溶于氯仿、二氯乙烯、香蕉水等有机溶剂。
- By using conditional experiment,an optimum processing for preparation of sulfur dichloride was reached. 以工业硫磺和液氯为主要原料,一步法直接制备二氯化硫。
- The necessity and feasibility of carring out the study on synthe sis methods to realize the industrialization of ethylidene norbornene in China were expounded. 并根据我国实情,阐述了开展亚乙基降冰片烯合成方法的研究对我国实现产业化的必要性和可行性。
- And it points out that the main factor which afferts the optimization ot oxidation reaction is to change the amount of inhibitor EDC(ethylene dichloride)and reaction temperature. 并指出影响氧化反应最佳化的主要因素是改变抑制剂二氯乙烷的加入量和反应温度。
- The problem and method of seperation of chloroben and santochlor, which influence the development of benzene dichloride isomer, were summarized. 综述了影响二氯苯发展的邻二氯苯、对二氯苯异构体的分离问题及分离方法。
- Dentino M,Luft FC,Yum MN,et al.Long term effect of cisdiammi dichloride platinum(CDDP)on renal function and structure in man[J].Cancer,1978,41:1274. 夏奕明;朱莲珍.;血和组织中谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活力的测定方法[J]
- The worldwide production capacity of ethylene dichloride(EDC) was 47 468 kt/a in 2005,while the global market demand was 39 037 kt. 2005年,全球1,2-二氯乙烷(EDC)生产能力约为47 468 kt/a,需求量约为39 037 kt。
- TEO-DSB is soluble in chloroform and methylene dichloride and the polymer solution can be spin-coated onto various substrates giving highly t... TEO-DSB可溶于氯仿、二氯甲烷等有机溶剂中;可以采用旋涂的方法制备成均匀、透明的高质量的薄膜.
- Terephthaloyl dichloride is a useful organic synthetic intermediate,and plays an important role in organic chemistry field. 对苯二甲酰氯是重要的有机合成中间体,在合成化学领域起着非常重要的作用。
- Phenylphosphonothioic dichloride(PPTD) was synthesized from benzene and phosphorus trichloride by the way of phenylphosphorus dichloride. 选用三氯化磷/苯路线,经苯基二氯化膦合成苯基硫代膦酰二氯。
- The development of production technology at home and abroad of ethylene dichloride and vinyl chloride monomer were discussed. 评述了二氯乙烷和氯乙烯单体生产技术的国内外进展,剖析了世界和中国的市场现状和前景。
- In this paper, the stability of copolyamides prepared from p-phenylenediamine,terephthaloyl dichloride and 4, 4'-diaminodiphenylether in sulphuric acid was studied. 用4,4'-二氨基二苯醚作为第三单体与对苯二甲酰氯、对苯二胺共缩聚得到共聚酰胺,并对它在浓硫酸中的稳定性进行了研究。
- The application and prospect of dichlorophenylphosphine dichloride were briefly introduced, and the synthetic method of dichlorophenylphosphine dichloride was also described. 摘要简要的介绍了苯基二氯化磷的用途及发展前景,综述了苯基二氯化磷的合成方法。
- Studies on treatment of soil containing nitro-aromatic compounds by the water extraction and methylene dichloride back-extraction process have been carried out. 对土壤试样中的硝基芳香类化合物进行了水提取与二氯甲烷反萃取研究。