- energy consumption and utilize 能源消费与利用
- According to the characteristic high energy consumption of heating ventilation air condition in chemical fiber plant, the paper has raised the correspondent methods to reclaim and utilize steam condensation water to decrease the energy consumption. 结合化纤厂大量冷凝水未回收的实际,按照由易到难的原则,提出了相应的回收方案,并进行实施,取得明显经济效益。
- The CW is in favor of saving resources, decreasing energy consumption and reducing environment pollution. 构件轻量化有利于节约资源,降低能耗,减少环境污染。
- Regular exercise helps the body extra energy consumption and improve heart and circulatory system. 经常运动有助于消耗体内多余的热量,改善心脏和血液循环系统。
- Machin said “ we can find some very simple to reduce energy consumption and reduce costs. Machin说:“我们能找到一些很简单的减少能源消耗和降低成本的方法。
- NMP has the advantages over phenol, such as throughput, product yield and quality, and energy consumption and enviromental protection as well. 该装置在加工能力、品收率、品质量、耗、保等主要技术经济指标上明显优于酚精制。
- They have small size, light weight, high efficiency, low energy consumption and low noise, It is an ideal choice for you to buy such devices. 机器设计先进,操作方便,安全可靠,体积小,重量轻,效率高,能耗小,噪音低。
- The labels that are issued provide information on energy consumption and efficiency to help you make better purchasing decisions. 此计划所发出的标签可为消费者提供不同产品的能源消耗量及效益资料,有助他们购买时作出精明的选择。
- This paper fully expounds the mechanism of organic pollutant removal, the reasons for low energy consumption and the kinetics of facultative bio-reaction. 摘要阐述了兼性生化去除有机污染物的机理、低能耗技术的依据与反应动力学以及城市污水兼性生化前处理工艺。
- DPS software and the gray relational model and the calculation of green GDP between energy consumption and the environment. 运用DPS软件和灰色关联模型以及绿色GDP的测算分析了能源消费与环境关系。
- An improvement scheme about the Integrated oxidation ditch is obtained, for example big energy consumption and uneven flow velocity and so on. 分析氧化沟中流态分布的不均,而造成能耗过大,以及处理过程中的缺陷和不足,提出针对现在的一体化氧化沟的改进方案。
- Recent research on energy consumption and morphology evolution during the initial stage of polymer melt compounding is reviewed. 综述了关于高聚物在熔融混合过程中能量消耗及初始阶段形态演化的研究现状。
- The comprehensive utilization of pig dung is resultful and has many advantages such as simple operation,low energy consumption and its practicabililty. 对姜堰市种猪场的污染现状进行了分析,提出猪粪综合利用取得的良好效果。
- Relations between energy consumption and particle sizes and morphology of powder and technological conditions have been determined by testing. 试验测定了机械合金化过程中能量消耗及粉末粒度、形态与工艺条件的关系。
- AMPK not only can be considered as energy susceptor in cell level,but also can regulate the energy consumption and energy intake by some... 文章仅就AMPK介导运动、二甲双胍、噻唑烷二酮类、瘦素和脂联素等对胰岛素抵抗的改善简要概述。
- When zinc oxide is used,the esterification temperature, the energy consumption and the side reactions can be reduced remark ablv. 发现以氧化锌代替氢氧化钠作催化剂可以显著降低酯化温度,减少能耗和氧化副反应,有明显的优越性。
- We all know that a reduction in energy consumption and the development of renewable energy production are vital in the fight against climate change. 我们都知道,减少了能源消耗和开发可再生能源的生产是至关重要的,在对付气候变化。
- The Internet can help reduce energy consumption and pollution only if doing things online genuinely displaces real-world activities. 只有当网上的活动能够真正取代现实世界中的铜行为时,因特网才能帮助节约能源,减少污染。
- Rather than simply recording energy consumption, smart meters send a continuous flow of consumption and billing data back to utility firms. “智能电表”不仅仅记录能源的消耗,它还向电力公司持续传送能源消耗和账单的相关数据;
- As a result, both energy consumption and investment should be put into consideration to choose an optimum supercharging way. 因此,在实际工程中选取何种增压方式需要权衡能耗与投资两方面的因素。