- Many countries have a social medical care system. 许多国家有社会医疗保健制度。
- How should we finance our health care system in the future? 我们日后应如何资助我们的健康医护制度?
- The reform of china's medical care system in cities and towns. 中国的城镇医药卫生体制改革
- Care for the elderly, elder care has become the responsibility of society as a whole. 关爱老年人、关心长辈,已成为整个社会的责任。
- It took all four groups to screw up the health care system. 那时曾经成立了四个小组来整顿保健制度。
- The parents and what elder care are "intention"s, but don't lie in the price of gift. 父母和长辈在乎的是“心意”,而不在于礼物的价格。
- Has all this activity made our health care system better? 所有这些活动是否使我们的卫生保健体系变得更好了?
- She practised in medical care system before the graduation. 实习医生第一个月在内科病房实习,第二个月在外科病房。
- Hospice care is a basic component of the social care system. 临终关怀是社会卫生保健体系的基本组成部分。
- The mechanism of the local health care system is far from perfect. 当地医疗系统的结构很不完善。
- We also recognise the role of Chinese medicine in our health care system. 我们亦认同中医中药在本港的医疗体系中的角色。
- Source: License to Steal: How Fraud Bleeds America's Health Care System. 来源:偷窃执照:诈欺如何诈取美国的健康照护系统。
- The health care system is struggling through a period of transition. 卫生保健体系正在挣扎着通过一段过渡期。
- In addition, the costs for the health care system can be extremely high. 此外,卫生保健系统的费用也可能极其高昂。
- Health Care: This establishes a national health care system for your POPs. 医疗保障:这会为你的人民建立一套国家医疗保障系统。
- It is the key to solve health care system that ethics should be paid attention. 对伦理氛围的关注的是解决保健体制道德问题的关键。
- Some elder people enjoy Beijing opera immensely. 有些上了年纪的人非常喜爱京剧。
- Pilot projects to introduce a new cooperative medical care system in rural areas were launched. 农村新型合作医疗制度开始试点。
- He is no less clever than his elder brother. 他和他的大哥一样聪明。
- The elder son has precedence over the younger one. 长子较之非长子享有优先权。