- Cruel slander, wicked misrepresentation, desertion of friends, betrayal by the most trusted one, and whatever else may come cannot hinder the LORD's purpose concerning you. 但另一方面,我们也有信心,知道主必看顾这一切,祂宝血要洗净我们因无知而犯的错,将它丢到深海里不再纪念。
- This tragic appeal finally saw effect one month later, when voting ended on 24 Feb, FRH's votes were increasing by leaps and bounds. 此番悲情攻势经一个月发酵终于奏效,在24日投票截止时,飞轮海票数暴增。
- Now I want to ask,is not the question of effect one of stand? 现在要问: 效果问题是不是立场问题?
- Now I want to ask, is not the question of effect one of stand? 现在要问
- Does chloromycetin have side effect one day with a lot of? 氯霉素一天用好多次有副作用吗?
- The CCITT's purpose is to recommend standards for communication systems. 国际电话电报咨询委员会的目的是建立标准的通信系统。
- If the drug does not take effect one week laster,please increase dosage. 如果药物在一周之内没有效果,请加大剂量。
- In order to prevent such evasion of NEPA's purpose, courts must be prepared to determine the proper scope of an EIS. 为防止这种对《国家环境政策法》意图的回避,法院必须致力于确定“环境影响报告书”的适当范围。
- Interference Zones and Personal Zones effect one's emotions and objectives. 干涉带和个人带作用一个人的情感和目标。
- Yet roughly the same percentage of the human race has no idea what the LHC's purpose is. 然而,大概有相同比例的人不知道LHC是用来干什么的。
- ARPANET's purpose was to conduct research into computer networking in order to provide a secure and survivable communications system in case of war. ARPANET目的在于研究计算机网络在战争的情况下提供安全无虞的通讯系统。
- It is SMO's purpose to promote and bring about forms of partnership and cooperation among these parties in dealing with these issues. 让这些组织在处理这些问题的过程中相互合作、建立伙伴关系是荷兰企业社会基金会研究所的目的。
- Such withdrawal shall take effect one year from the date of receipt of this notification. 这种退出应自接到通知一年后生效。
- GreenTree Inn’s purpose of serving is to be: beyond-healthy, beyond-comfortable, beyond-value, and beyond-expectations. 格林豪泰酒店的服务宗旨是:超健康、超舒适、超价值、超期望。
- Denunciation shall take effect one year after the date of receipt of the notification by the Secretary-General. 退约从秘书长接到通知之日后一年生效。
- It puts particular emphasis on Yukio Mishima’s purpose of writing, analyzes the reason why he wants to carry out the reform and how to carry it out. 侧重于作者的创作目的,分析作者为何要进行这样的变革,以及进行了怎样的变革。
- Denunciation shall take effect one year from the date on which the Director General has received the notification. 退约于总干事收到通知之日起一年后发生效力。
- The design and optimisation depend on the collector’s purpose, on the user’s energy consumption, its work regime, etc. 设计和优化是基于收集器的用途,用户的能源消费,它的作业管理,等等。
- Denunciation shall take effect one year after the day on which the Director General has received the notification. 自总干事收到退出通知之日起一年后,退出发生效力。
- This paper s purpose is to explore the roles that mood state plays in the processing of emotion-congruent information across different cognitive tasks. 该文考察在自然情境和人为诱发的情境下,心境对不同情绪信息加工过程的影响,验证特质一致性假设。