- Confucius and Plato are VIPs in the early human intellectual history. 孔子和柏拉图是早期人类思想史中的重要人物。
- Sketch is the earliest human form of painting. 素描是人类最早出现的绘画形式。
- The PTC nontaster mutation provides a remarkable amount of information about early human migration. 这个PTC味觉受体基因的突变,为研究早期人类迁徙提供了极为丰富的资讯。
- Early humans were nomadic, settling in specific regions only for brief periods of time. 早期人类过着游牧生活,只在特定的地方作短期居留。
- The ice shields recorded the human experiences of these early humans in the salt. 冰天记录了在盐中的这些早期人类的人类体验。
- Some believe that Lemurians were much more like early humans, living in a sort of idyllic paradise, largely agrarian with lush forests and an abundance of flowers and fruit trees. 一些就相信利莫里亚更加像早期的人类,生活在一种田园诗般的天堂里,主要地与繁荣的森林,盛开的花朵和结果的树在一起。
- According to anthropologists, the human adaptation is unique among primates and may have arisen shortly after early humans started walking upright. 人类学家认为,人类进化在灵长类是特殊的,可能从早期人类开始直立行走之后不久就出现了。
- The earliest human skeletons had spearheads in their ribcages. 人类最早遗骸的胸腔中,就有矛头。
- The field of communications is certainly not new:People have been communication since early humans grunted and scratched pictures on cave walls. 当然,通信不能算是一个新领域。从人类还刚出现含糊不清的语言和在洞穴中的石壁上刻图的早期开始,人们就已经进行通信了。
- Long before the invention of electric drills and anesthesia early humans drilled teeth to treat decay, according to research published Wednesday. 科学家日前公布的一项研究结果显示,早在电钻和麻醉剂发明之前,早期人类就开始通过在牙齿上钻孔的方法来医治蛀牙。
- Since the early human embryo looks like that of fish, salamander and chicken, humans must have evolved from these animals. 因为人的早期胚胎形象和鱼的,蝾螈的,鸡的形象相同,所以人必然是由这些动物演化而来的。
- Indeed, failure to do so proved disastrous for some early human trials of preventives. 的确,早期防癌物质的人体试验因为没有做到这一点,结果惨不忍睹。
- The purpose of the early human testing was not to study positive results form Peptide 7, but to look for any harmful side effects. 早期人体试验的目的,不是研究缩氨酸7号的积极效果,而是探索有无有害的副作用。
- But those fossils and Robison's interpretations of them formed the initial groundwork for tracing early human evolution in Africa. 但是这些化石以及罗宾逊对它们所作的解释奠定了在非洲追溯早期人类进化的初步基
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。
- The idea that people evolved eyes that make it easy for others to see where they are looking suggests just how important sociability was for early humans. 通过关注他人的眼部活动来判断他人视线的观点表明对于早期人类来说,交际是很重要的。
- The wheel may seem like a simple invention, but for some early human it was probably the solution to a particularly vexing problem. 轮子看来简单;但对前人而言;就是一个难题的答案.
- It is now understood that the veils created from the above circumstance in early human settlers from Sirius caused a problem. 现在才了解,在上述情况下,正是来自天狼星的早期人类安居者所制造的面纱导致了一个问题。
- Conclusion: Early human embryos can be successfully vitrified by the simple GMP method,and got perfectly clinical outcome. 结论GMP玻璃化法是一种可应用于临床的冷冻保存技术。