- She dropped into a chair, utterly worn out. 她一下子坐到椅子里,筋疲力尽了。
- A stone dropped into a quiet pool of water. 一块石头扔进一池静水中。
- The road dropped into the valley. 路向下倾斜通到山谷。
- He dropped into a roadside store. 他顺便走进一家路边的商店。
- She soon dropped into a sound sleep. 她很快就睡熟了。
- The child dropped into the whirlpool from the ship. 小孩从船上掉进了漩涡。
- The hoarse messenger had dropped into a doze. 这粗鲁的信差已经沉入昏睡之中。
- In the evening we would drop into a roadside pub for a beer and sandwich. 晚上我们就随便到路旁的一家酒馆喝点啤酒、吃点三明治。
- He must have dropped into a good thing there. 他一定在那儿得到了什么好处。
- Sorry we're late we dropped into a pub on the way. 对不起我们迟到了--我们中途到酒馆去了.
- Many dropped into the relay station when in town. 很多人进城时就到中继站来。
- He staggered in and dropped into a chair. 他蹒跚着走进来,一屁股坐在椅子上。
- I dropped into casual employments. 我接受了一些临时的雇用。
- Don't mention it! I dropped into the mud. 别提了,我掉进泥里了。
- Something just dropped into the water? 有些什么东西刚掉到水里去了?
- The kite dropped into a very tall tree. 风筝落在了一棵大树上。
- One of his hand dropped into his coat pocket. 他的一只手伸进上衣口袋。
- He has dropped into the habit of smoking. 他不知觉养成了吸烟的习惯。
- A familiar tune dropped into his mind. 一支熟悉的曲调出现在他的脑海中。
- Many dropped into the relay station when in twon. 很多人进城时就到广播站来。