- We must do penance for our sins. 我们必须苦修赎罪。
- Are you willing to do penance for your sins,my son? 你愿意以苦刑赎你的罪吗,孩子?
- Are you willing to do penance for your sins, my son? 你愿意以苦行赎你的罪吗,我的儿子?
- He had done penance for his sins; we should forgive him. 他已经为赎罪自我惩罚了,我们应该原谅他。
- He did penance for hurting his mother. 他为伤了母亲的心而表示悔过。
- I am ready to do penance and make satisfaction to the utmost of my power. 不论活到几时,我要常常痛哭,常行苦工,尽力补赎。
- Such as I love, I rebuke and chastise. Be zealous therefore, and do penance. 所以你应当发奋热心,痛悔改过!
- He received an axe after doing penance for Shiva. 他为湿婆作了忏悔后获得一把斧头。
- A sunday school is a prison in which children do penance for the evil conscience of their parents. 主日学校,是孩子们为其双亲的邪心、以苦行赎罪的监狱。
- B: Yeah. I'm doing penance for forgetting her birthday last week. 是啊。我是在为上星期忘了她生日赎罪。
- Yeah. I'm doing penance for forgetting her birthday last week. 是啊。我是在为上星期忘了她生日赎罪。
- But he said: No, father Abraham: but if one went to them from the dead, they will do penance. 他说:不,父亲亚巴郎!倘若有人从死者中到了他们那里,他们必会悔改。
- In the tradition of the Church Lent is a time of preparation for baptism for the Catechumens. It is also a time for sinners to do penance. 在教会的传统里,四旬期是慕道者准备领洗的时候,也是罪人做补赎的时期。
- Ah, if thou couldst but tell me how I can have offended him, that I might do penance, and then my heart also would be glad again. 你要是能告诉我我怎么得罪了他,我也好赎罪,那样我的心才会快活起来。”
- Henry decided to purge his excommunication and get the interdict on his territories withdrawn by apologising and doing penance. 亨利四世决定向教皇请罪,表示诲意,以此希冀教皇解除将其逐出教门的惩罚,并撤回在其领土上的授权禁令。
- I turned to the Lord and begged him. I pleaded with prayers and fasting. I did penance, I put on sackcloth and sat on an ash pile. 我面向吾主天主,以祈祷、恳求、禁食、穿苦衣,顶灰尘,求问他。
- If you are bent upon doing penance, first enter into wed-lock like your ancestors and then perform penance in the company of your spouse. 如果你倾向于要苦修,那么首先要向你的先辈一样结婚然后在你的妻子的陪伴下完成苦修。
- I have travelled a good deal in Concord; and everywhere, in shops, and offices, and fields, the inhabitants have appeared to me to be doing penance in a thousand remarkable ways. 我在康科德曾到过许多地区;无论在店铺,在公事房,在田野,到处我都看到,这里的居民仿佛都在赎罪一样,从事着成千种的惊人苦役。
- I have traveled a good deal in Concord;and everywhere, in shops, and offices, and fields, the inhabitants have appeared to me to be doing penance in a thousand remarkable ways. 我去过康科德的很多地方,不论是在商店、办公室还是野外,居民们都在用上千种惊人的方式进行着苦修,至少在我看来是这样的。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?