- discription of matrices 矩阵表示
- Advance on Study of Matrix Attachment Region. 核基质结合区的研究进展。
- The Quality for Rand and Index of Matrix Power. 矩阵乘幂的秩及其指标的性质。
- What do you think about the discription of Injun Joe's death? 你怎样理解书中对于印江乔死去一事的描写?
- Similarly, the order of matrix multiplication is important. 同样,矩阵相乘的顺序也是重要的。
- The following illustration shows two examples of matrix addition. 下图显示了两个矩阵相加的示例。
- A geometric discription of the root system for the indefinite type Kac-Moody algebra of rank 2 is given. 在第1个注记中;给出了秩为2的不定型 Kac-Moody 代数的根系的一个几何刻划.
- Objective To provide a current language for clinical and pathological discription of gastric cancer. 目的为胃癌的临床、病理描述提供一个通用的语言,有助于提高胃癌的诊治水平。
- From the discription of AD574A, the new way of checking and displaying electric cueernt of the aerial camera based on AD574A is introduced. 从AD574A芯片入手,从硬件和软件两个方面介绍了利用AD574A检测相机工作电流并利用液晶屏显示的新方法。
- It looks like correspond to our real life, but the discription of our egotrip is too heavy.We have other fun without house. 看起来跟我们的现实情况相符,但写的过于描述大家追名逐利,好像一切都是为了那个房子,除此外再没有什么生活的乐趣了。
- Wang Anyi oiverturns the discription of the child's world in the traditional literary narration and crashes the surface of happiness. 王安忆颠覆了传统叙事对儿童世界的书写,打碎了习以为见的幸福的表象。
- In this paper, we give a survey of matrix approach in wavelet t. 本文系统总结了小波分析中的矩阵方法,给出了我们得到的一些相关结果。
- Based on a fuzzy matching model and a fuzzy evaluating model, a multi-layer model is provided for quantitative discription of the similarity at different layers. 该策略在模糊匹配模型和模糊评价模型基础上,通过建立多层次评价模型,定量描述实例在不同层次的相似性,综合评价选出最适当的实例。
- The method presented is sensitive to the micro-crack with good consistency;and the relative damage parameter demonstrates a good quantitative discription of the damage degree. 表明该方法对微裂缝损伤极为敏感,运用相对损伤参数能够对损伤的程度给出定量化的描述,且具有较好的一致性。
- When the third stage comes, Shencong Wen’s works have a spiritual tendency, which is an “abstract expression”, including the discription of divine nature. 后期创作出现“向内转”的倾向,具有“抽象的抒情”性质和更多神性抒写的成分。
- Then,based on the discription of the principles of the serialization of module interfaces,the strategies of design for the serialization of module interfaces are presented. 在建立机床模块接口图样编码系统和应用参数化绘图工具PDT的基础上,开发了包容重型数控镗床系列和重型数控立式车床系列的模块接口参数化图库。
- The following illustration shows several examples of matrix multiplication. 下图显示了矩阵相乘的几个示例。
- The Exploitation and Application of Matrix LCD in Portable Data Recorder. 点阵式液晶显示器在便携式查表器中的开发与应用。
- However,when the evidence is accumulated,the experts from zoon thought it's important to do a research,as the discription of the people who claimed had seen the puma are extraordinarily same. 然而,当证据累积,人们描述的所看到的美洲狮格外相似,动物园的专家认为有必要进行调查。
- Conclusion Discription of Hunan"s local-self-government compaign as a whole, point out its three development stages: prelimilany beginning, upsurge and climax, and finally its historical limitation. 结论部分对清末民初湖南地方自治运动作整体描述,指出其经历了萌芽、初兴、高潮三个发展阶段,并推动湖南政治不断走向近代化。最后指出其历史局限性。