- I heard you used to be a code breaker for the NSA. 听说你以前是国安局的破译员?
- I was a code breaker for the Navy corps . 我是一名海军军团的暗码破解员。
- Snake: I heard you used to be a code breaker for the NSA. 听说你以前是国安局的破译员?
- Use your logging code to trace problems and debug your program. 使用您的日志记录代码来跟踪问题和调试程序。
- A cryptosystem utilizes the properties of discrete logs in finite groups, either in a public key message exchange or in a key exchange and generation protocol. 加密系统在公钥消息交换或密钥交换及协议生成中利用有限组中的离散对数属性。
- You mean the two NSA code breakers who went over to the Soviet Union? 你是指那两个投靠苏联的国安局破译员?
- Snake: You mean the two NSA code breakers who went over to the Soviet Union? 你是指那两个投靠苏联的国安局破译员?
- In this case the returned function object is a closure which encapsulates some logging code and the data needed to call the original function. 这种情况下返回的函数对象就是一个闭包,其中封装了一些日志代码和最初的函数调用所需要的数据。
- This aspect could be made to use the same logging framework as the embedded logging code so that the merged output gave a combined view of the program execution. 这个方面可以设计为使用嵌入日志代码所使用的同样日志框架,这样合在一起的输出就可以给出程序执行的综合视图。
- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎么登录进入这个系统吗?
- I reached for a floating log with my foot. 我伸脚去钩取一段漂浮着的木头。
- They are sawing a log into planks. 他们把原木锯成一块块厚板。
- They broke down the door with a big heavy log. 他们用一根粗大的木头将门砸开。
- The code is separated into discrete source files. 这些代码被分隔成离散的源文件。
- Source code for log remapping an image. (译):源代码转换映射图像。
- Sorry. I must have got the wrong area code. 对不起,我一定是拔错地区号码了。
- The highway code is not itself part of English law. 公路法规本身并非是英国法的一部分。
- The Highway Code has been carried. 公路法规已经被执行。
- The captain of the ship entered the details in the log. 船长把详细情况记入航海日志中。
- Joe was chopping at a tree when I walked past his log cabin. 我走经乔的小木屋时,他在砍树。