- diet preparation room 配膳室
- Methods Samples from preparation room environment, preparation water and container were taken and cultured. 方法对制剂室环境、制剂用水及配制器具采样培养。
- The experiences in strengthening the management of hospital preparation room were intro du ced. 介绍了加强医院制剂室管理的一些经验,包括:充实设施,改善工作条件;
- RESULTS & CONCLUSION:A shifting toward technical service is on the way by launching pharmaceutical care in hospital preparation room. 结果与结论:我院制剂室通过开展药学服务,正在逐步实现向技术服务型转变。
- Methods: The original concentration of glutaraldehyde was assessed by iodometric method in Preparation Room and indicator card of 3M company in Infective Room. 方法:制剂室用碘量法测定每批戊二醛的初始浓度共8次,感染科和胃镜室用戊二醛浓度指示卡测试使用中戊二醛浓度263次。
- This article introduces the dedusting conditions of raw material preparation room of pulp mill at present and the property of the fluidized bed dedustor. 介绍了以芦苇为原料的制浆厂备料车间的除尘现状,分析了粉尘的性质。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
- With national standards in line with the Health Physics and Chemistry laboratories, equipment rooms, computer rooms, electronic preparation room, library, multimedia classrooms. 配备有符合国家标准的理化生实验室、仪器室、计算机室、电子备课室、图书室、多媒体教室。
- You ought to diet and take more exercise. 你应该节食并多做运动。
- After all, we ended our job in the little prepared room with yuk.Two powerful girls was twiddle with bundle of keep fresh paper. 全书看完,除了知道了那些男女之间的很多微妙的纠缠不清的关系以外我也从令一个角度认识了苏联。
- The Irish used to live on a diet of potatoes. 爱尔兰人过去用马铃薯作为主食。
- Be it your intention to diet to keep your figure? 您打算节食以保持苗条体形吗?
- A change of diet may do you good. 改变一下饮食对你可能有好处。
- Preparation Room for Physics Experiment 物理实验准备室
- BPA/DEG (hydroxy) is 1/2 and use it as the chain extender prepared room temperature film forming one-component anion waterbome polyurethane waterproof coating. 以BPA/DEG(羟基)为1/2作为混合扩链剂,可制得室温成膜单组分阴离子型水性聚氨酯防水涂料。
- The doctor says I've got to go on a diet. 医生说我得节食。
- Obese patients are advised to change their diet. 建议肥胖病人改变饮食。
- He is on a diet to reduce some weight. 他正在节食以减轻体重。
- She supplements her diet with vitamin tablets. 她服用维生素片剂以补充规定食谱中的营养。
- Experience is their preparation for giving advice. 经验为她们进行咨询作了准备。