- A die plate for flattening metal into strips, as in the manufacture of watch springs. 扁条拉模一种用来拉平钢条的模板,如用于生产手表发条的模板
- To release the rough machining and welding stress for mould and die plate. 模具钢经粗加工后或经焊接过后之应力消除处理。
- The application of die plate in shaft equipment installation is introduced. 介绍了模具盘在井筒装备安装中的具体应用。
- A die plate for flattening metal into strips,as in the manufacture of watch springs. 扁条拉模一种用来拉平钢条的模板,如用于生产手表发条的模板
- The crack appears at the edge angle due to stress concentration caused by alternating load,which finally leads to the fissuring of die plate. 凹模在使用过程中,由于交变载荷的作用,使碳化物的棱角处应力集中出现裂纹,最终导致凹模开裂。
- The pressure between the anilox roll and die plate is adjustable with springs .Wiper roll adopts eccentric adjusting and locking mechanism. 网纹滚与字模板压力采用弹簧调整,传墨滚采用偏心同步调整并设有锁紧机构。
- Tunnel series ----- convergence of equipment, laser-guided, bolt drawing instrument, laser theodolite, and plot device, cement die plate. 隧道仪器系列-----收敛计、激光导向仪、锚杆拉拔仪、激光经纬仪、求积仪、钢板水泥模。
- Variation of striper force and clearance between punch and die plate with respect to shear plane and die stress were analyzed. 分析了不同压边力和凸凹模间隙对精冲断面质量和模具应力的影响关系。
- A systematic study was performed on the extruder set via analyses of the factors such as feeding, screw speed, throttle valve, screen pack changer, die plate and pelletizer, aimed at saving energy. 选择进料状况、螺杆转速、节流阀、换网器和模板及切粒机等因素对挤出机机组的影响进行了系统分析、研究,发现这些因素对挤出机的负荷和能耗影响较大。
- The main components in this system usually include extrusion die plates, pelletizer, water circulating system, centrifugal dewater, silo and package units. 主要组成部分通常包括:挤出口模板、切粒机、水系统、脱水机、后续料仓包装系统等。
- The main components usually include extrusion die plates, water bath, water wiper, strand pelletizer, shifter, silo and package system. 主要组成部分通常包括,挤出口模板、冷却水槽、风干机、冷切粒机、振动筛和后续料仓包装系统等。
- The priest says that the human spirit never dies. 牧师说,人的灵魂永远不死。
- He only put a bit on his plate to make fashion. 他只是拨了一点食物到盘子里做做样子。
- The number shall be cut in on a plate. 号码将雕刻在一块金属板上。
- Every winter some old people die from hypothermia. 每年冬天都有些老人死于体温过低。
- I hid the broken plate behind the table. 我把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌后面了。
- Deforming tools for larger dimensions such as drawing and pressing dies, deep drawing tools, hot wire rolling, cutting rings, cutting die plates, drawing rings, circular knives, calibrating rolls, inserts for cutting and punching techniques, paper knives. 大尺寸的变形工具,比如冲压模、深拉工具、热轧轧辊、环刀、切削硬模盘、拉环、圆刀盘、校准轧辊、冲压和切削技术的衬垫、裁纸刀。
- That boat is done with the steel plate. 那艘船是用钢板做的。
- This glass plate is very fragile. 这个玻璃盘子很容易碎。
- He's eaten a whole plate of french fries. 他把一盘油炸土豆条全吃完了。