- died with their boots on v. 不死在床上(在工作中死去)
- die with their boots on vi. 不死在床上(在工作中死去)
- Poor old John died with his boots on. 可怜的老约翰劳碌一生而魂归天国。
- Please don't send Grandparent to a rest home for old people, I know he would rather die with his boots on. 请不要把祖父送到敬老院去,我知道他宁愿生命不息,工作不已。
- He had a massive heart attack in the office and died with his boots on. 他在办公时因大面积心力衰竭而逝世。
- Accelerator- a device in an automobile which enable a person to die with his boots on. 加速器,是汽车内的一种会叫人穿着鞋子就死(暴死)的装置。
- Accelerator-A device in an automobile which enables a person to die with his boots on. 加速哭,是汽车内的一种会叫人穿着鞋子就死(暴死)的装置。
- Things that die with their eyes open and questing. 他们一直在寻求解决问题的办法。
- Maybe these cowboys should give up their skis and keep their boots on. 也许这些牛仔们该扔掉滑雪板,仅穿着靴子就好了。
- Please don't send Grandparent to a rest home for old people,I know he would rather die with his boots on. 请不要把祖父送到敬老院去,我知道他宁愿生命不息,工作不已。
- Please do not send Grandparent to a rest home for old people, I know he would rather die with his boots on. 请不要把祖父送到敬老院去,我知道他宁愿生命不息,工作不已。
- Please don't send Grandparent to a rest homefor old people, I know he would rather die with his boots on. 请不要把祖父送到敬老院去,我知道他宁愿生命不息,工作不已。
- Things that die with their eyes open and questing; The animal came questing through the forest. 他们一直在寻求解决问题的办法。
- My floor is all marked up with their muddy boots. 我的地板全让他们那些沾满污泥的长筒靴弄脏了。
- My floor is all marked up with their muddy boots! 我家的地板上尽是他们的泥靴踩过的痕迹!
- The storm held off. They went on with their work. 暴雨暂时没下,他们继续干活。
- Worked hard all his life and died with his boots on when he had a heart attack and died in the factory. 他一生都勤奋工作,最后因为心脏病死在工厂自己的工作岗位上。
- Rainy as it be, they go on with their work. 虽然是雨天,他们仍继续工作。
- The outlaws usually die in their boots. 歹徒通常死于非命。
- I'll die with my boots on. 我宁愿战死。