- The agitation of the strike arose repeatedly. 罢工风潮迭起。
- He entered the room with deliberate steps. 他从容不迫地走进室内。
- He repeatedly fails to pass the exam. 他考了多次都不及格。
- He struck at me repeatedly with a stick. 他一再挥棍向我打来。
- She was repeatedly snubbed by her neighbours. 她多次遭到邻居的冷遇。
- I've told you repeatedly not to do so. 我再三告诉过你不要那样做。
- I've told you repeatedly not to do that. 我已再三告诉你不要做那种事。
- He spotted his reputation by lying repeatedly. 他因反复说谎而败坏了自己的名声。
- Deliberate slowly, execute promptly. 慢慢酌量,快快行动。
- His manner was quiet, his speech deliberate. 他举止文静,说话审慎。
- We had no time to deliberate (on the problem). 我们没有时间仔细思考(这个问题).
- A deliberate, vigorous motion or gesture. 肢体语言一个从容的、有力的动作或手势
- It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than an accident. 那很像是蓄意的罪行,而不像是意外的事故。
- Marked by deliberate obscurity of style or expression. 晦涩的以有意使风格或表达上含糊不清为特点的
- He consulted his notebook repeatedly during his speech. 他讲演时不断看他的笔记本。
- The enemy repeatedly charged up the mountain, attempting to knock us out. 敌人反复向山上发起冲锋,企图把我们消灭掉。
- Aristotle says repeatedly that we do not deliberate about ends but only about the means to ends. 亚里斯多德一再认为,我们无须关注一件事的结果,但须关注使用的手段。
- She violated the terms of the contract repeatedly. 她三番五次地违反合同条款。
- They violate the law repeatedly. 他们屡次违法。
- He walked with a deliberate step. 他用从容不迫的步伐走着。