- The dead and wounded in that one attack amounted to 6000. 仅那一次进攻就死伤达 6000 人。
- The Confederate dead and wounded at New Hope Church ran high. 南部联盟军在纽霍教堂的伤亡是惨重的。
- We pray for the dead and wounded in the shooting at Va Tech. 我们为在威州理工这次枪击案中遇难的人祷告。
- A dozen dead and wounded Germans sprawled on the ground. 十几个死伤的德军伸脚舒拳躺在地上。
- The living helped to carry the dead and wounded to special stations. 幸存者帮着把死者和受伤的人抬到专门的接待站去。
- The dead and wounded were delivered to the field emergency hospital in Grozny. 伤亡士兵已被送往戈罗兹尼的战地医院。
- On December 7, a worker at a woodworking factory shot one fellow worker dead and wounded six others in Indiana. 12月7日,印第安纳州一家木工厂内的一名工人开枪打死1名工友,打伤6人。
- A frightened radio ham near Chernobyl announced that two units were on fire and spoke of "many hundreds dead and wounded" . 一位在切尔诺贝利附近,惊恐万分的无线电收发报业余爱好者报告说有两套机组着了火,并谈到“有好几百人伤亡”。
- On September 7, a gunman burst into a family on the outskirts of Simi Valley of Los Angeles and shot three people dead and wounded two. 9月7日,一名男子持枪闯入洛杉矶锡米谷郊外的一户人家开枪扫射,打死3人,打伤2人。
- Gold point out enemy"among report peaks practise fraud too when fighting, say there is very few dead and wounded numbers they". 金指出,敌人“在报导间三峰战斗时也弄虚作假,说他们死伤人数寥寥无几”。
- Despite the privation, and the mounting toll of dead and wounded, however, morale remained intact, and people still smile in the street. 尽管供应不足,伤亡增加,然而士气并未受到影响。街上,人们照常脸有笑容。
- In a vehicle to the rear of the bus, the driver was shot dead and one of the game's umpires was shot and wounded in the back. 跟在大巴后面的一辆汽车的司机被击毙,同时,坐在后排的一名比赛裁判员也被击中受伤。
- They were at the top of a wall, and they thundered point-blank upon the soldiers tripping over the dead and wounded and entangled in the escarpment. 起义者在一堵高墙上很近地瞄准那些在尸体和伤兵间踉跄前进或在陡坡上跌脚绊手的士兵。
- But they were there, and by scrounging along the beach they were soon able to equip themselves from dead and wounded men. 但他们已经到了,没一会儿,他们就从滩头死伤者那里搜集起所需之物,装备起自己。
- We carried the dead and (the) wounded off the battlefield. 我们把伤亡者抬出了战场。
- The assailants, abandoning their dead and wounded, flowed back pell-mell and in disorder towards the extremity of the street, and there were again lost in the night. 进犯的官兵丢下他们的伤员,乱七八糟一窝蜂似的,全向街的尽头逃走了,重行消失在黑夜中。
- She tended the sick and wounded. 她看护病人和伤者。
- Some Gazans ventured out of their homes to survey the destruction, as ambulances carries the dead and wounded to hospitals. Most shops, including bakeries, remained closed. 一些加萨人冒险离家调查毁损的状况,救护车载送伤亡者到医院,大多的商店,包括面包店仍是关著。
- I often recall my childhood which is dead and gone. 我常常回想起我那早已逝去的童年。
- After the battle they buried the dead and brought with them the wounded. 战斗结束后,他们埋葬了死者,带走了伤员。