- People kept coming in day in and day out to consult their leader about their problems. 人们天天都来同他们的领导者商量他们所遇到的问题。
- Mabel did everything Charlie asked her to do, day in day out for twenty years. 梅布尔一切照查利吩咐的去做,天天如此地干了20年。
- My wife murmurs the same thing day in and day out. 我妻子天天喋喋不休地重复同样的话。
- This flexibility has the added benefit of breaking up any sense of endless routine or day in day out drudgery. 这种灵活性具有打破任何没有尽头的例行公事或日复一日苦工感觉的额外好处。
- Day in , day out, the food was the same. 食物天天都是一个样。
- The black man : Cocaine her pimp. She a strawberry. She'd be out on these streets day in day out trading her sorry self for some crack. 黑人:行了小子,可卡因,她是瘾君子,她没日没夜在这几条街卖淫来换毒品。
- She usually acts vulgarly, the speech loud atmosphere, actually day in day out does is working as beautiful woman's dream. 有一天,她的病又犯了,只见她手捂胸口,双眉皱起,流露出一种娇媚柔弱的女性美。
- His mind, atrophied by the stultifying work he did day in day out, was incapable of conceiving any hopes or dreams other than those connected with the Admiralty. 他那副被各种令人愚蠢的日常工作而耗损的头脑,除了那些和他的部里相关事务之物,早已没有其他的思想、其他的希望及其他的梦想了。
- Only the Kuomintang warlords who have brought the areas under their own rule to the brink of bankruptcy have the utter shamelessness to spread the rumour,day in day out,that the Red areas are in a state of total collapse. 只有最无耻的国民党军阀,才会在他们自己统治的区域内弄到差不多民穷财尽的地步,还会天天造谣,说红色区域如何破坏不堪。
- Only the Kuomintang warlords who have brought the areas under their own rule to the brink of bankruptcy have the utter shamelessness to spread the rumour, day in day out, that the Red areas are in a state of total collapse. 只有最无耻的国民党军阀,才会在他们自己统治的区域内弄到差不多民穷财尽的地步,还会天天造谣,说红色区域如何破坏不堪。
- Day in, day out, no matter what the weather is like, she walks ten miles. 她不管天气如何,每天总是不间断地步行十英里。
- Day in, day out, you can see the old man in the same place and same time. 每天,在同一时间,同一地点,你都可以看到那老人。
- He works in his study day in and day out. 他一天到晚在书房里工作着。
- Day in and day out, the old man went fishing. 老人日复一日地去捕鱼。
- It rained all summer,day in and day out. 整个夏天,天天下雨。
- It rained the whole of last week,day in,day out. 上个星期天天下雨。
- Day in,day out,the food is the same. 食物天天都是一个样。
- He played basketball day in and day out. 他一天到晚打篮球。
- And I am going to love her day in the day out. 我会日日夜夜爱她。
- He works hard day in and day out. 他日复一日地努力工作着。