- Database user name of the object owner. 对象所有者的数据库用户名。
- The database user who owns the foreign table for a system trigger. 拥有系统触发器外表的数据库用户。
- Is the identification number associated with a database user. 与数据库用户关联的标识号。
- Before dropping a database user that owns securables, you must first drop or transfer ownership of those securables. 必须先删除或转移安全对象的所有权,才能删除拥有这些安全对象的数据库用户。
- The database user should only be allowed to query tables and views that contain input data. 应该只允许数据库用户查询包含输入数据的表和视图。
- An integrated login mapping exists between the user fran_whitney and the database user ID DBA. 集成登录映射存在于用户fran_whitney和数据库用户ID DBA之间。
- For actions that target a database user, the name of that user; for example, to grant permission to a user. 如果是针对某个数据库用户的操作(例如,授予用户权限),这是该用户的名称。
- If the database user does not have CONNECT permission on the database, the USE statement will fail. 如果数据库用户在数据库上没有CONNECT权限,则USE语句将失败。
- If user is not specified, the name of the new database user defaults to the login name. 如果未指定user,则新数据库用户的名称默认为login名称。
- Create a certificate from the backup file of the source certificate, specifying the source database user as the owner. 通过源证书的备份文件创建证书,将源数据库用户指定为所有者。
- Notification Services grants some of the permissions necessary to run condition actions to this database user. Notification Services将运行条件操作所需的部分权限授予此数据库用户。
- When using integrated logins, the login-name is the database user to which the Windows user or group is mapped. 如果使用集成登录,login-name是Windows用户或组所映射到的数据库用户。
- While the context switch to the database user is active, any attempt to access resources outside of the database will cause the statement to fail. 当到数据库用户的上下文切换处于活动状态时,任何对数据库以外资源的访问尝试都将导致语句失败。
- While the context switch to the database user is active, any attempt to access resources outside the database will cause the statement to fail. 当到数据库用户的上下文切换处于活动状态时,任何对数据库外部资源的访问尝试都会导致语句失败。
- Because each view is stored in the database, it establishes a particular subset of data that can be used by any database user. 由于每个视图均存储在数据库中,视图将建立可由任何数据库用户使用的特定数据子集。
- If the new owner is a Windows user or Windows group for which there is no corresponding database-level principal, a database user will be created. 如果新所有者是没有对应数据库级主体的Windows用户或Windows组,则将创建数据库用户。
- When the parameter of a system function is optional, the current database, host computer, server user, or database user is assumed. 如果系统函数的参数是可选的,则将假定当前数据库、主机、服务器用户或数据库用户。
- When the parameter to a system function is optional, the current database, host computer, server user, or database user is assumed. 当该参数对系统函数可选时,则系统采用当前数据库、主机、服务器用户或数据库用户。
- It is less confusing if the same name for the database user is used for the SQL Server login or Windows account; however, there is no requirement to do this. 如果使用同一数据库用户名作为SQL Server登录名或Windows帐户名,则可以减少混淆;但是,不要求一定这样做。
- Because Notification Services runs all condition actions in the context of a specified database user, you must specify the login account that is associated with the user. 由于Notification Services在指定数据库用户的上下文中运行所有条件操作,因此您必须指定与该用户关联的登录帐户。